‘The True Cost’ – Official Trailer – Blog

Alex Taylor

Sorry but the this phenomenon is not exclusive to fashion and is a larger problem within the confines of modern capitalism.
I think instead of trying to find some “not fast fashion brand”, people can try to buy less clothes, honestly being stylish doesn’t mean we have to have a full closet. This is the least we can do, and also a great tip for saving up money 🙂
Samuel Lee
While we’re fighting for the best deals- our neighbours are fighting for their lives.
This movie had me in tears I had no idea how bad it was. I have started to change my shopping habits. I am hoping to find more thrift stores in my area and reliable brands
I’m Pakistani and this has me in tears to see the torture these people go through! I live in the uk and I have started to stitch my own clothes! Makes me feel abit more happy that no one had to suffer to make my outfit!
Maria Exodus Bosconovitch
“My god, we can do better than this.”
Abdul Kader
Eco-friendly brands aside for a moment people. Is this not a governments issue? Either way the consumer and worker is screwed without proper governmental intervention. If we stop buying their cheap goods, millions of people will be without work and thrown back into poverty and if we do buy their goods they are employed but in a rubbish enviroment. Clearly at some stage the consumers need to pull a prank on the government i.e. refusing to buy this clothing until work environments are improved etc.    I just don’t think the solution is as simple as “buy eco-friendly” to save the poor people from their horrid working environments while at the same time basically throwing them on the streets.
anika k
these kind of documentaries make me feel super grateful that i was born in a good family in a good country. but yet again i forget about it and turn back into the selfish person i’ve grown to be.
Kara Tao
I thought that my clothes came from little factories, all clean and tidy with stylish workers. After watching this movie, I was all wrong. This movie is so naked, so real. We need to spread this to everyone, to schools, to our friends, to our family. One part of this movie that impacted me the most is when I saw the last part of the movie. I just cried when the screen panned from hungry shoppers to miserable workers. Wow, now I realize why the fashion industry is so big and so rich. I’m such an idiot _.
Andreas Martin Friedrich
I think this is an awesome movie and it was about time that somebody films this. but there is something that bothers me (at least in the trailer) It portrays only western countries as the “bad selfish shoppers”. I’d like to give anyone a tour in shopping areas of cities of mainland china or taiwan so that you see how apathetic people can become. this is not just about clothes, also about the food. People have totally lost the touch with the origin of the products they use and consume. They have no idea where something comes from, how it is made, and the value of the original raw material. And they don’t bother knowing. Yes, I know, many in the western world as well, but trust me, here (in chinese speaking countries) its a lot worse.
Kit Lofroos
just even watching the trailer is powerful!
Keenan Smith
This movie is very much needed in the fashion community today, especially the fast fashion market, the majority of these workers labor for those brands within that price point. However, change is easier said than done and as an individual who has been working his way up the fashion ladder, most of those working in the other side (brands, publicists, stylists, editors, etc) our main concern is to reach the consumer. We can blame the brands and governments all we want but it is Indeed the consumer demand and the factories themselves (those not vertically integrated into a particular brand or owned by the company itself) that are the driving forces behind these horrible conditions and results. It comes down to cost really, even human labor is grouped into this cost most brands pay to these factories. But the solution is not so easy… Brands and the factories both have what is known in the business world as “overhead” costs which is everything it takes to keep the factory running to turn these raw materials into wearable items. If such costs were raised to accommodate appropriate and fair labor conditions the entire fast fashion market would tank…Indeed the whole system as it stands now would tank because everything would have to get marked up even more so. Then the consumer (including ALL of us) would complain about cost of clothing. That cheap Walmart graphic tee for $5 would be $50. Thereby forcing all the other price points to increase to reflect the higher value proposition. The entire retail system is based on marking items up after wholesale. That’s why most companies don’t manufacture in America because the cost is too great for them…we have labor laws to protect workers’ rights but the manufacturing in the US has been dying mostly from these overhead costs of employee wages and benefits. It’s a long and arduous journey we all face to fix this but it certainly won’t happen overnight. I am, however, glad and hopeful that this will spurn the beginning of change in business models, consumer education and more importantly consumer demand to hold the companies they purchase from to be socially responsible for who they do business with to get these products out to us.
Shaun Baumberger
I was quite intrigued watching this movie and was in complete support of your movement, right until I visited your website and saw how you are distributing the movie. How can you credibly criticize companies operating sweatshops, but then distribute the movie through Apple iTunes, thereby indirectly supporting companies operating those sweatshops (like Foxconn) and further fostering the very capitalist system, whose sustainability you are questioning in the documentary?
Yaba D'Aba Due
The song lyrics are chilling “I want it all and I’ll use you to get it”. Devastating! I read a previous comment that said this is just the growing pains of developing countries. That may be true but that doesn’t mean it’s right. People in the developed world should know that these things are happening so they don’t unknowingly support these abuses.
Jarom Gregson
The issue this movie describes really comes down to the fundamental nature of humans. In early human history, more food equals more power, because everyone needs food, so you give people food, and in turn, they do stuff for you. Now, food can be bought with money, so money is power. People in power aren’t evil, but naturally, an individual who has power will do what they can to maintain that power. They want to help other people, but to do that, they need to make sure their power is unmatched. Unfortunately, larger corporations are focussed too much on maintaining power and not on using it for good. The idea behind globalization was phenomenal. Even if the worker’s conditions are horrible, they are better than their neighbours: They are rich because they can work, even in those terrible conditions. The way capitalism works in this scenario is that the companies will lower wages and working conditions until the people can’t handle it. Those people lose their jobs and then struggle, many will die. The company moves on to stronger people, strong enough to handle the worse conditions and the lower wages. They will settle on the cheapest they can get. Now here’s my recommendation for how you can change this. Don’t buy so much clothing, it might be cheap, but a good coat can be worn for years, and boots or good shoes can be worn for decades if treated well. You don’t need more than a dozen shirts. You can get by a week with a shirt a day, three maybe four pairs of pants, and a single sweater. Wash, rinse, repeat. It’s a healthier lifestyle, and saves you a lot of money.
Klara Kruki
Watching this movie have changed my life.
Yes, always wanting more for giving less is the ultimate perversity that will destroy humans…
Jonathan Mayorga
Sammi talked about this documentary, being a fashion major im about to educate myself more about this… 🙂
Marzia brought me here, and I’m so glad she did.
This Had me in tears just from the trailer. Real issues that matter.. fucking wake up everyone. So so sad
María Macaroff
Great! Superb! Every little act that we do has a repercusion … Let’ s start
The CBD Expert, Dr. Rachna Patel
Incredibly insightful documentary! Thank you so much.
“Alguns preocupados com o concurso mundial de misses Outros em tirar irmãos de debaixo das marquises, rest in peace”
Leno jelli
This film has taught me that its hard to make clothing and shoes. No wonder my Jordans cost so much.
Lee Stock
everyone says how shameful the human race is after watching this video but then they go out and keep buying these clothes that put these people in such horrible conditions, it a cycle that will never stop because people don’t want to sacrifice things for people they will never meet
Sabrina G
“I live just to get what I want.” Sadly, this is what I thought when I saw the Black Friday scene in the movie. It looks like people are in a rush to buy a bunch of things before they die.
Neko Girl 562
I watched this in class today and this has changed me
demode atelie
incredible! i know for the reality, but i see now the reality and my eyes cry :'(
“If the son of Adam had two valleys full of gold, he would long for a third.” – Prophet Muhammad
David Wu
Natalie Taylor. Nice song , just purchased on iTunes! 🙂
Brittany Daniel
This was such a great documentary!!!! Spreading the word any way I can!!!
Larus Delawarensis
I wonder if this young man spreading the chemical over the plants is still alive..
Utterly heartbreaking, it’s the ‘earthlings’ for the earthlings. Thank you so much for making this documentary. It can’t be ignored and once watched I think many people are going to make some changes. I was shocked to my core in the same way I have been in the past watching slaughter house videos. How have we allowed a world to be created with such lack of care? And when there are so many people not cared for verses the people not caring, how is it possible that such a small number of people have such a huge grip over how the world is run??? I guess true protest in the modern world is done through our wallets.
Living Beyond The Mat
Incredible movie, this should be compulsory viewing to all kids in secondary school…
Jaida Gehring
My geography teacher showed us this trailer and it had me in tears… my God, we can do better than this.
Lagan Meyer
“my god, we can do better than this” ugh that just got me for some reason
this documentary needs to be showed in every high school, every college.
Everyone should have the opportunity in their lives to sew at least one clothing item for themselves just so that they can get an idea what is involved.  Even considering the much greater efficiency of garment workers who sew things all day every day, the exercise will show you just how much work goes into the making of even relatively simple items.  Due to the nature of cloth, clothing production does not lend itself well to automation, so everything you wear has some work in it that was done by a garment worker.
Peter Janik
Know your product story behind, ecology is in our hands….
I watched the movie and its heart breaking I never knew something like this even existed I totally recommend everyone to watch it
Charlie Bradley Ross
Wow – I can’t wait for this. Let’s hope it makes it to the mainstream.
Frederic Orr
Great trailer and an amazing film – must watch
Maria Hazzard
this trailer gives me goose bumps, look at what we did, I’m so grateful for the people who decided to make this film
Marcelo Amorim
Excelente o documentário!!
Ysf Krwn
I’ve watched this movie countless times, and I still love it to this day. This movie gives me a sense of purpose in my life.
Angela Gumbs
Zara owner : As of late September 2018, Ortega had a net worth of $70 billion, making him the second-wealthiest person in Europe after Bernard Arnault, and the sixth-wealthiest in the world.
Rubaiat Imam
Bless the activists! If it weren’t for them no one would be taking blame. However, whenever I see these documentaries, I feel there is always one link missing from the chain – the business owners of these countries. The western clients have been made to feel responsible by these activists, but the local businesses and the local population at large have a very defensive idea. After the building fell killing so many one such business rep came to a local talk show and said, we shouldn’t call them ‘owners’ because really, Allah (God) owns everything – sort of taking cover under the belief that death comes to us when god wills it, it isn’t insured. The population at large (you’ll find instances of them among these comments) also defend them because they employ people – making not providing a safe workplace or humanly wages acceptable. Within your trailer there wasn’t one display of the house or car of such a business owner. If you raised prices in the west, the next step should be to ensure that some of it goes where it was intended, instead of financing the latest Mercedes sedan. I do know there has to be a profit incentive for these people, but I do believe they can do better if they wanted.
Baby Hero
Such a powerful story and one that deserves to be told loud and clear. The industry as it stands today cannot continue. “This enormous industry is generating so much profit. Why is it that it is unable to millions of its workers properly?”  That statement sums it all.
Kristen Leo’s comment section brought me here!! M so glad to know about this. Will do my best best best on the same. Will never stop learning and watching behind the veil.
Lilly Knopf
wow! this is crazy! never thought of these things.. Thank you for making this video.
this makes me feel so sad and bad  i wish i could help and make the world a better place
Fra /
Does anyone know where this documentary can be found in italian?
WarriorSlave Alternative Media Magazine
A great eye-opening movie. Well done.
“My god we can do better than this” Was that Richard Wolff?
Snooze Q
The song in the trailer is: Natalie Taylor- I Want It All
g a
I came he after Maria’s video. So inspirational. Thank you marzia.
Avery Bow
I’m so excited to see this! Thank you!
Emily Hummingbird
I’ve always loved thrifting, but now I really do. :’(
Princess Poppy
absolutely amazing movie. It changed me. Thank you!!
Riruka Dokugamine
I don’t understand why objects (cellphone, clothes, diamand, gold, ect..) are loved and people are used…. It shouldn’t be like this.
stephanie dejesus
I just saw this movie last night and it was so impacting on how what we wear has an even greater affect on the people who work super hard to make it. while we are wasting like 20 dollars on a T-shirt those people are ganing a penny per hour
Robert Cabral
BRILLIANT MOVIE!!! well done!
Simona Usnyte
First of all, we need to find our true style and see the difference between what do you truly like and what is just a stupid trend that promotes consumerism and buying clothes that are just popular for only one season
A question: Is pursuing capital as the core value of business and society impossible without slavery?
Irfan Hasan
excellent documentary
Sarah McQuade
And along with all of these lives, the lives of animals lost to the industry as well. We as a culture need to reevaluate our priorities.
Polish issues
We Americans NEED to watch this‼️
Palak jain
I don’t know what I can do but from now I will minimize my shopping expenses and try to donate my old clothes to a place where I know people will wear it and I will have utmost respect for each garment I wear
ComicBook Guy
Being at the top of the fashion food chain I can tell you, everything about fashion, and most everyone in fashion, is completely worthless.. that being said, sub-standard factories burning in impoverished countries also make tons of things unrelated to fashion.. Great documentary and song..
Alexander Pazmiño
Desde q vi este documental cambiaron totalmente mis hábitos y el no consumir este tipo de marcas
Valery LaColom
This is the best documentary i have ever seen no doubts. It made me cry, but the most important, it made me think.
marika cartwright
this brought tears to my eyes & heaviness to my soul *will not exploit people just so that we can have fashion *look & research where your clothes come from *there amazing new business models with integrity in place now to help people *look @ what humanities team *is puting together *lets stand up for the rights of others in our world
László Marosi
The best documentary I’ve ever seen. I can’t really express how thankful I am for the creators including the director, cinematographer, sound engineer, people who told the truth, everyone for putting effort into this masterpiece. Thank you! Only thing I don’t get: Why do these organic, fair trade brands use leather to craft boots or wallets? Respect for the exceptions though, e.g. People Tree and Stella McCartney. If someone is conscious enough to take responsibility for the fields and other human beings, they should also take responsibility for all other creatures on Earth including innocent animals as well. It’s irreconcilable for me to see companies fighting against gmo and exploitation, while they keep exploiting others. It’s simply nonsense.
Daniel Avram
Yeah, gave up a while ago… My main store supplier became trifstore now… You can’t beat those prices there…
Tami Orloff
Well done.  Love this.  Thank you for exposing some unknown truths.
Charles E. Darko
Share it with everybody you know, on Facebook, on the streets, school, work and everywhere. It has not all the views it should. It is not just clothes, it is everything. We have to open our eyes because one day we are going to pay to God.
What was hardest for me is watching what the children have to go through. No one should be raised in that.
Eduardo Picos E
Que tristeza tan grande 😔
Helene Cyr
One of my favourite and very meaningful documentary about human greed and unsustainable clothing industry we are presently in. Simply brilliant!
are there also positive examples in the documentary? Some stuff that gives you hope in the end? (like fairtrade projects and so on..)
rowdy yeats
Brand names… marketing… Yes, you may find yourself “paying up”… BUT… consider a television set… a finite number of channels… versus … satellite television with hundreds if not thousands of channels…. The nice thing about such places as The Gap is that they reduce “the noise”… by limiting choice… persons feel “less distracted”….. Workers’ Union(s), on an International Scale seems inevitable, as Karl Marx predicted… but if the new ruling class is as covetous as the old….
Jasmine Amelia Ulfah
please make this into vogue magazine
Orla v.
I work as a retail assistant for primark and sometimes I’m very ashamed of it. The amount of cheap crap they sell is unbelieveable. We get paid so well, Nearly double minimum wage. If they can afford to pay us so well why can’t they do the same for the producers?
Klara Kruki
I watch this trailer before I go shopping
Cheryl Williams
This movie is profound and life-changing!
Marica Guida
Everybody should watch this documentary…it is so interesting
its so easy for us to look away and ignore everything that is going on. Same with the meat industries even though everyone knows where the meat comes from and how its made. My god we can do better than this
The Day Family
how does this not even have 1mil views!
Hana R.
I watched this movie in grade 11 in my fashion class….We need to do better as a human race
קאַנטיינער ליכט
Hai amar Bangladeshhh 🙁 Bangladesh :'( ……
excellent job … sadly its a truth of many many . that many dont want to know .. they rather live a delusion that is an illusion .. ‘dont mention the garment workers’
The true cost – the true movie
Yen C
Thank you for making this documentary. I learn more now. It is a sad situation. As a consumer, we are responsible too. We have to shop responsibly. Don’t buy into the concept that we need fast fashion and view them as disposable. By recycling them does not help solving the problem.
Nizar Visram
Very educative and eye-opener. Exposes corporate greed and cheat
I truly wish I could do something to change my shopping habits, but unfortunately it can be really hard/nearly impossible to get away from those brands depending on where you live. I live in Geneva (Switzerland) and we only get like either H&M and Zara or super expensive brands like Louis Vuitton, no in between. We don’t have thrift stores. Trust me, if we had Goodwill I’d never set foot in H&M/Zara ever again. I usually wait until I can travel to do my annual shopping, but sometimes I just need some basic pieces that are so easy to find in stores like H&M. And I’m not a fan of online shopping. It’s really great and important to spread out the issue, but unless we start to work on creating more ethical brands that aren’t ridiculously expensive and that are available worldwide, it just makes us feel guilty and powerless
If we could make changable matter, then all you would really need, are about two of all your clothes.
Laura dell'orto
Is high fashion tho…better?like I really like drawing clothes and I think their supposed to be fundamental part to another expression of beauty and an art not at this cost obviously
Rosell Jardinico
Can anyone send some links or websites who caters unused clothes? I’m from Philippines and we recycled some clothes sometimes we got from our friends and relatives. We make it as rags, mops, and etc. as long as we can still use those textiles.
Maruly R.
Great movie all teens should watch.
I watched whole movie… I AM soooo Sad right now… That what some people do is ashamed for whole world…. I AM so angry and sad… Some people are dead because of some sily shirt or boots… Reast in PEACE….
B3cca sm7th
This is horrendous! Yet we are all to blame 😔 LORD Please come Quickly ……………
Markus Grey
Thank you. A wonderful film that everyone should see!
Does anyone knows more movies/docu’s about things like this?
Yasin Zayn
Humanity is very lower in Bangladesh garments factory
Sir Abduo
let’s talk movies “sudan” brought me here and Iam glad thanks Adnan for the review ❤
michelle heathcote
Do clothes mean this much to you? Death and this kind of abuse
odo Geming
Tidakkah kalian malu wahai manusia ? Kalian bersenang2 diatas kesedihan orang lain Terkutuklah kalian
Hamidreza Tahvildarzadeh
dove posso trovare la versione completa in italiano ? qualcuno lo sa ?
swati maurya
all the fast fashion brands have their manufacturing industries in developing countries like India and Bangladesh where workers are not even given sufficient amount of money, they are paid like Rs 20 or 30 for stitching one single garment that can’t even fulfill their basic needs & they sell it on really high prices.It’s high time now consumers need to know the true cost of the clothing.
This is why i’d rather fork out money for ethical clothing, than support slave labour
Also, I find it apropos of nothing that the lady’s shirt at 2:18 says ‘age of MAGA’. Make America Great Again…I can’t believe this is our reality.
Why shoot a movie – and not to spread it freely available to millions of people watched? The film has a price … if so – it is not meant to open eyes
For people that have seen it, what’s the name of the song that plays when the guy was explaining how clothes are advertised to solve our problems and they start showing a bunch of commercials? The lyrics went: “I’m here for the next high, the next guy, I pray to God next life…” Searched for it and nothing came up.
This was a great documentary. Not to overshadow what the message is, I’m gonna go ahead and say the soundtrack is badass. Also for inquiring minds, the song everyone keeps asking about is called “Next life” by souls. It’s only on Amazon from what I can find, annnnd you have to purchase the entire album. With that said, the show takes stabs at H&M, Zara, and forever 21 type stores because of the “fast fashion” at cheap prices. It’s pretty obvious that it’s shaming american consumerism (If that’s even a thing) for relying on outsourcing for all of our clothes and stuff. One woman says that the jobs they do could be worse (watch how they treat and process leather in India) and I agree with her. The moral of the story is that these groups want safer work environments for workers with fair wages, and I agree with that. There’s also a little mention of Monsanto (of course there is) and how they are poisoning the planet. Another lesson learned here is buy American and organic if you can. I just cant stomach buying a white t-shirt made out of 100% organic cotton/fair trade/eco-friendly/biodegradable/blah/blah for $200. Which obviously causes the shame on consumerism in America cycle. Unfortunately I’m part of that cycle, and until the aforementioned t-shirt price drops I’m not sure what else to do. Maybe join a nudist colony. They’ll find something wrong with that too.
Thank you Zosia Mamet for sending me here
What kind of clothes can I buy that will not cause harm to people in other countries?
krispy wingz
I feel greedy and wonder, “did someone lose someone, or their own life making this shirt.” Or “Whoever made my shirt, I am sorry”
Why then are clothes here in the U.S. So expensive for low quality?
Joy Bennett
Great doco. Everybody needs to see this. We need to reinvent the clothing industry – I don’t even use the word “Fashion” any more.
Paula Cruz Illanes
i need the subtitle in spanish please!!!!!!!!!!
Mariela Laura Díaz
Excelente documental sobre el lado oscuro de la moda en Europa y EEUU, acá en latinoamerica es un poco mas solapado pero también excite, involucra no solo la esclavitud sino también el medio ambiente, los valores humanos, estamos involucionando. es triste pero es verdad.
g h
Very good documentary and the song by Natalie Taylor I want it all sums up the point of the documentary in my opinion
This just shook me to the core and I haven’t even watched the documentary Oh my goodness. Trump needs to watch ths
This has shaken me up from my sweet dream of the Pakistanis/Cambodians/Indians having good jobs that can pay their bills. This is SHAME. This is nightmare. This has to END. And i’m thinking how to. (Any advice?)
Noura Mangaka
that why I don’t buy from any mall of famous brands I simply go to small shops where local or Indian or Chinese products which beautiful and simply costs
J. Ib.
I see you, Karl Marx.
Représente la Ts1
Revolutionary Healing
I am extremely picky about what I will purchase and I think that if everyone else thought the same way, there would be far less waste. Too many people don’t put any kind of thought and will purchase many things which they will quickly regret. There should also be more consideration put into design and that way there will be a much smaller but better quality selection. I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing what most people around me wear in public.
Ruby Edmondson
1:34 , that kid teared me up. We say we can fix this, we SAY we can make earth better. But we can’t, we will never. Because those few people who are so needy for money. Say “Oh people are getting jobs” and “Oh this helps the enviroment.” What liars, because you know, people say things. People brainwash. Just look at the film, kids on the ground while mothers working. We are such spoiled brats. Pshh, nobody cares that all these lakes and rivers are a waste, no one cares that those people are drinking out of them. Look at the part where the man threw all those shoes away. To me, they looked good enough. I mean, a seam could be messed up or something but, there are people who need those! I feel like we think since our drinking water is good and since our lakes are clean, theirs are too, right? NO! Since our shoes are perfect and our clothing factories are good and we have good jobs they do too right? No! The 9/11 was years ago. After we got over that, we didnt care about other countries. Ugh we are garbage.
Peace ToAll
Truthful & awesome doc. As always, while us in the better world enjoying our luxurious material stuffs, poor ppl in some third world countries are suffering greatly, same with the “Blood Diamond” movie. Keep in mind that in third world countries those corporates or any $ Man could easily bribe their officials to ignore those toxic waste or any other problems.
I’d rather wear fur than wear Zara
Zan Zhin
The fashion magazine staff of NYC step over dead bodies on their way to get their Starbucks in the morning. The Hollywood celebrities wearing multi-thousand dollar dresses use as much energy in a single day to video a political pro-environment statement as a village in a third world nation uses in a year. The people behind these “Save the Planet” documentaries turn around and ride luxurious private jets and limousines in designer label gowns and formalwear to their awards shows.
Im still thinking when are poor countries ever gonna stop being poor? imcompetent? Always in need of help of developed countries? They’re so much more responsible for their poor lives.
Birdie Bowie
Absolutely shameful.
Xhoana Veshaj
I’m glad I thrift
kiki Lovely
When i saw Bangladesh i’ve thinked about my friend she is a good girl,and she comes from Bangladesh,i understood that she likes Italy but she miss her ilfe. She has lot to teach to me,she is very good and i think that maybe she has wieved that events in the videos. Sorry for my english i am italian
studiio xxmimsiixx
we should actually stop buying from that’s brands. I mean, come on… does that man have money on his mind all the time? god did not create us for this
Neeraj J
Mahipal sir recommended me for this video
Megan Davis
does anyone know the name of the song played in this trailer? mainly at the end?
This film shows how rich people get richer and poor ones poorer. Yes, this is the world we live in. Personally I don’t think that we as customers/consumers can do much about it. These are the problems that should be solved by those who have the power, sadly, those people don’t care.
Harish Iyyar
If we can’t get clean air, water and food for all then what is the use of our modern science and technology. We have become cheap people inspite of our so called growth.
Greta Navarauskaite
Wake up people from this nasty dream and be Love and Light ech ather 🙏🏻❤️🕊🌸🦋🐄🐖🐓🐟🌞🌸❤️
rowdy yeats
Well, if they really cared about “the workers” they could have gone overseas and built the factories themselves… they could do so now…. and they could monitor and make sure that the workers were not being “overworked”… BUT they would rather pay the factory owners this much, and not that much…. I get the impression that they do not really care about the workers… BUT what they truly desire is to simply replace the factory owners with a new set of owners, themselves … and then better wages, and better factories will be built…. If my suspicion is true, then … perhaps those factory implosions were the result of corporate acts of “terrorism”?…. Consider the “sweatshop factories” of New York… Would they care if the owners were “white” and one burned to the ground? Maybe…. It is historically how conditions for workers changed in New York, circa the early twentieth century, when workers perished in fires… but maybe only because the workers were “white”? … I see the political economy is best understood in the “light” of Eugenics…. They do not regard “coloureds” as “equals” or “betters”, but claim “being white” gives them a divine right to rule… And so, historically, you see The Crusades… you see “breeding programs”… Reservations, Ghettos, Concentration Camps…  Here is wisdom : stay away from organized religion… Those people are quite mad,… believing in things such as wonderbread, magic kool-aid, and holy hydrogen dioxide.. rituals…. They should have desired The Truth rather.
We are more Capitol than we think we are.
edrin lepcha
what the world has become
Alexis Underground
It is mostly people of color who suffer whilst the white people get to walk on runways and how at their own demand. ….let that sink in.
Haby D
This world has gone mad. People are literally dying because we want to look fashionable. As consumers, we can do what we can to live in a more sustainable and ethical way but people wanna make money no matter whether they’re in government or not. This is why it’s so difficult to change things. People are greedy and as long as they have money and power, having blood on their hands will never be a serious issue for them.
Kesley Gomes
But then, how do I know the place I’m buying from is not like that?
Sarah Vow
This is unbelievable sad and tragic. The pain and suffering is weaved in our clothes, their blood we pay with our cash, the mental damage we cause cannot be discript, not even by Freud, their health cannot be fixed for generations. There is so much to do, to say , to change and to save. But who will?
Amina Jamal
everyone is responsible for the dignity and safety of these workers ,we should be fighting for rights of all workers all over the world who are fulfilling the desires of the west or the rich all over the world at the expense of their health and safety The Prophet SAW said everyone is a shepherd,which means we all are responsible for everyone who is in our care,in workplaces ,in our homes ,even animals and plants etc ,we will be questioned on how we treated all of them there is accountability for every action and ALLAH SWT is the judge May we make ease in the lives of all who we meet and employ Aameen
The Royal BabooSahab
I am 19 and am afraid. Afraid as what kind of ‘hell’ I am going to leave for my yet to come generations in the name of ‘planet Earth’? I am really clueless. Any answer please?
to anyone who has seen this- are there ANY scenes with animals being tortured to get fur/leather ? I really need to know
I think this won’t stop even if we don’t buy products from them cause these people won’t have money to spend and no resources lead to them starving,they would agree to work in unhygienic conditions and as people in power are greedy it just follows, I think the respective government should have some restrictions on these industries and this can happen anywhere in this world and these kind of low cost industries can pop up, but I strongly believe that developing countries can come out of this tough phase it would take a few decades for us….A Indian
Isabela Terribili
O trailer já fala por si só, não quero que a minha vida seja assim.
Genevieve Colmer
I really hope this movie will be available for all to watch here on You Tube or via itunes (and not just in theatres). I am making it my personal mission to bring this important message to my audience at the Red Fairy Project and to bring an awareness to all the fashionistas in my life. I used to work at a prominent fashion magazine and there is just a total ignorance of what goes into making all the fabulous clothes we wear. Now the challenge of course is to get people to open their eyes but also to have another option to develop as I don’t think it’s realistic to expect this society of consumerism to just buy second hand and to clothing swaps… Hoping to help find the solution. Even thinking of going back to school to do a master’s degree that focuses on sustainable style. Thanks for posting this trailer.
RaVen Sequoia
PLEASE put ENGLISH Subtitles
brianna gamboa
This hit me so hard. I cried balling out my eyes actually. Some people just don’t understand the real cost. Lives lost. People killed. And its all covered up because if theres word about it the companies will lose customers. Does it really have to be this way? WE can do so much better but, nobody likes to stand with the 5 people to make a change. What a terrible world this has turned into. Where did we go wrong? God bless us all please. We need it.
Cynthia Morales
Ask Julia Louis Dryfus, (check out new Old Navy Ads) why would she do these Ads and why would she look beyond the human cost….the woman and children cost?????? I think when you appresciate an Actors work that they would have a higher moral standard, she was one of my fav’s and has broken my heart, farewell….Julia or rather….good riddens, what a disappointment she is.
Nguyen Ha Thanh
It’s a shame for people
Akash Sirdar
So let’s close all the factories in the developing countries so that their poor workers starve to death?
Maggie R
To be a Christian is to innately be against corporations, especially those that do not wholly and entirely practice fair trade and social and environmental stewardship! You can be a missionary for God in the smallest way, share God’s love by respecting all that is around you! Be conscious of who you buy from and what you buy. It will make people ask you, “Why do you care?” To which you can share the Good Word. Here is why Jesus wants us Christians to care: God wants us to be concerned for the wellbeing of others. Sometimes you can reach someone and give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to touch someone just by the small actions and choices of your own, including valuing the lives around the world, human, animal, and plant. Organic and fair trade is one of God’s ways of providing aid to many that suffer at the hands at corporate mistreatment and poisoning. He sees His people hurting and He is using the lives of these socially aware and compassionate individuals to reach those in need! Be missionaries and spread the Word, but also be missionaries and bring relief to those in pain and poverty. We may not be able to bring sight to the blind like Jesus, but we can choose to stop American and European companies from using chemicals that cause blindness, or other birth defects, without any precautions in other countries. The corporations are the modern day rich man sent to hell for his selfishness and concern for profit. Those in pain and suffering at the hands of an oppressor will be blessed like Lazarus. It will take faith in Jesus, but like I said, this world wide distress is a calling God is giving us to bring relief and share the love and peace only He can provide on large scales! We don’t get into heaven by good works, but none of us are CHRISTians without doing the good works God calls you to do!!
Paul P
What a great film. It’s absolutely disgusting the attitude of so many (like me) in the west. It must change. Right away.
Omg! that’s so sad!
Mart Tina
Interesting, very interesting.  But please tell me, what is the solution? What can we do? I go to H&M and everything is made in China, I go to a very small shop in Italy and everything is made in Bangladesh, I go to a fucking expensive italian shop and after a couple of weeks I read that they found a way to label clothes “made in Italy” while most of the stuff about that dress are done somewhere else. What can I do??
ideas, espárragos y rocanroles
People dying and working in terrible conditions, the enviroment being destroy, animals being killed….is it really worth it? And it is all to satisfy people´s ego of showing themselves using fashion clothes. What a disgusting world we live in.
Lê Mỹ
Plz dont cry why I’m feeling weak
Not Sure
FN sheeeeeeeeeeep gobbling it up like mindless trendy plebs that they r
1:44 Climax in this Promo
To work their way out of the powerty…..what a joke!
Cor Smith
Important film exposing consumerism & the unseen TRAGEDY.
Professeur Claquéausol
When you buy clothes: Lmao bottom text
It’s not about economics. The economic model is fine. What’s wrong is ethics and morals. Companies making billions of profits while making the world suffer are still bankrupt. They just don’t know it.
crypto can save us all.
Fernanda Paz
aff como q pode essas pessoas trabalharem em condicoes subhumanas, n er pq essas pessoas precisao q precisao ser escravidas desta forma, pq os poderes pubiclos e judiciarios n resolvem isso, escravidao camuflada.
Berfin Hacyusuf
buy second hand clothes people
I’m a little confused. So they are working and are not making a lot of money. But if we stop, then wouldn’t they not be making any money at all and be jobless? Can someone please answer this so I can get my facts straight? THank you! BTW I am not hating, I totally support this. in fact, most of my clothes were bought thrifted or hand me downs. If you answer, thanks for your help!
Where I can watch the actual movie ?
priti sharma
Where I can see this documentary ??
This horrific stuff is why I buy my clothes from op shops. Also, while you guys are educating yourselves, how about watching some videos on veganism?
woon ko
everybody should watch this. wow. I’m not the one who buys clothes much but I like fashion always had… I never knew it’s this serious gosh really surely people can be better than this.. how can you overlook this situation? how can you look away… I decided to become vegan quite recently but there’s miles to go make this world better geeez…
Neverending Nightmares
capitalism : it just werks :^)
Jocylin H.C. Fan Chiang
Another form of modern day slavery
Nicole Orpen
Before I watched this movie I was told that it would change you view on the fashion industry. I didn’t believe that but it certainly did. It made me very aware of how the capitalistic system creates suffering. I wanted to forward a link to people I know so that they may watch it. A major focus of the documentary is raise awareness in consumers. Sadly you have to pay for this video and it falls foul of the very same capitalistic system that the producers are saying causes the pain and suffering of millions of people. Hmmm.
Indigo Inspo
Oh look! Another grotesque cause-and-effect molded by the United States.
s s
Capitalism is an ongoing crisis.
The Dark Side of Beauty
Ok so the problem is Corporations being greedy but how do you go against them??? These people who own these corporations already can control governments so what is anyone suppose to do?!
kunisha samunathan
Trailer is somewhat wrong. Runway designs are made in the studio/atelier whilst those kind of manufacturing are for the mass consumers. Theyre showcasing a real scenario but a wrong product
Asinega Asinegad
18..many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things. 20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” Phillipians 3:18-20 May the true and pure Spirit of Christ enlighten those that hurt for this world. Amen, Maranatha!
Felipe Coria
Ya no está? It’s out if the álbum (?)
Amir Talai
Gripping. I’ll be there.
Regina Ortiz
Where can i see this??
Courtney Turner
The lovely actress Nikki Reed bought me here
Ok I know it’s irrelevant and maybe stupid but the producer’s name is Michael Ross…
patricio chorizo
okay okay its very sad but please ?! what can we do ?!
Lisa Cheng
Watch the Documentary on Netflix. It will change your outlook. People in third world countries deserve equality. Their voice is lost, and more people need to be aware about their situation over their.
I learn one thing, when i try told this to other people. “I DO NOT CARE”. And one more thing. If that people who create this products in Bangladesh and other countries live soo bad and poor live WHY they do children? Why they stop doing children? I am not so poor as they, but i know that, I haven’t enough money to provide for their offspring well. And then because i know, and because i want the best for my children i do not want children.
J Taylor-Tshuma
As usual, Black pain equals white gain.
Melissa de Vincenzo
Don’t buy new clothes.
Dee Ca.
It’s very saddening and I do feel for the people that work in those horrible conditions but I use the same shirts and jeans for years and I mean years.