A heinous miscalculation of reality – More

2 Pauw & Witteman – Samenvatting Natalee Holloway zaak

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18 feb. 2008

Een samenvatting van gesprekken met Peter R. de Vries, Joran van der Sloot en andere betrokkenen in Pauw & Witteman.
Pauw & Witteman besteedde regelmatig aandacht aan de zaak Natalee Holloway. Zo zaten op 11 januari Joran van der Sloot en zijn ouders samen aan tafel met Peter R. de Vries. Na afloop zou Joran een glas wijn in het gezicht van De Vries gooien. Een paar weken later meldde De Vries dat hij de zaak had opgelost. Joran reageerde een dag erna aan de telefoon. De maandag na de spraakmakende uitzending van ‘Peter R. de Vries: misdaadverlsaggever’ waren De Vries en zijn informant Patrick van der Eem te gast. Op 15 februari reageerde de Vries samen met strafpleiter Spong op het feit dat Joran niet opnieuw aangehouden zal worden na zijn bekentenissen in het programma van de Vries.
Ted Tettero
Blij met de inzet van Peter en blij dat die hond voorlopig vast zit.
Rene Quarantino
Hoe gaat het met Paul vd Sloot? Haha
stront ellende
Patrick deugt zelf ook niet puur voor geld doet die dit niet voor goede bedoelingen over de zaak
G Br
Je bent niet schuldig tot dat het tegendeel bewezen is! Er liep ook een verkrachter rond bij de vissers hutten heb ik begrepen van een ander interview, dus niet te hard van stapel lopen Peter! Trouwens die verkrachter was het land uitgezet en is gevlucht naar Colombia, zoek hem maar eens op en geef hem een jointje en ondervraag hem maar eens, je zou beter moeten weten Peter R de Vries.
Peter R de Vries is echt zo een zielig mannetje hij komt zelf nog in het zottenhuis komen met zijn obsessie voor van der sloot
Die irritante betweterige de Vries !! BWEEEEE (mag ik een teiltje …!!)

4 Psychopaat Joran van der Sloot blijft ontkennen… (Pauw & W

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2 feb. 2008


Nog meer leugens… geen schuldgevoel.. geen respect.. gefascineerd door oudere crimineel… jezelf overschatten… buurmeisje bedreigen… Pathologisch liegen
Je bent een echte…

ja, dom dom dom Joran… Slimme Joran valt alsnog door de mand en pappa’s carrière is voorgoed naar de klote.

Jammer voor je moeder… (liefdeloze kenau)

Psychopaten hebben grote problemen met hun gevoelens ten opzichte van andere mensen en met relaties. Acht van de twintig kenmerken in de checklijst hebben hiermee te maken.

Gladde prater/oppervlakkige charme.
Het prototype psychopaat is oppervlakkig in het contact met anderen. Psychopaten vertellen vaak sterke verhalen, en proberen zich beter voor te doen dan ze zijn, waarbij ze vaak wel charmant overkomen.

Sterk opgeblazen gevoel van eigenwaarde.
Het zijn opscheppers die een veel te positieve inschatting hebben van hun talenten en vaardigheden.

Pathologisch liegen.
Psychopaten zijn notoire leugenaars die er meestal geen enkele moeite mee hebben als ze worden betrapt op een leugen. Ze hebben overal een excuus of reden voor en willen nog wel eens iets op ‘erewoord beloven’, ook al blijkt dat erewoord haast nooit wat waard te zijn.

Gebrek aan berouw of schuldgevoel.
Psychopaten kennen geen schuldgevoelens of spijt over de dingen die ze anderen aandoen. Ze kunnen zeggen dat het slachtoffer het verdiende of dat het slachtoffer eigenlijk niets bijzonders is aangedaan.

Geen verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor het eigen gedrag.
Ze zijn niet in staat of niet bereid om de verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor hun eigen gedragingen. Het zijn altjjd anderen die de schuld krijgen en anders is er wel een alternatief excuus te vinden.

List en bedrog/manipulerend gedrag.
Het prototype psychopaat manipuleert en bedriegt anderen en besteedt daarbij geen aandacht aan wat dat voor hen betekent.
Ze vertonen daarbij nogal eens crimineel gedrag in de vorm van bijvoorbeeld fraude en verduistering en niet-crimineel gedrag in de vorm van overspel en het aftroggelen van geld van familieleden.

Ontbreken aan emotionele diepgang.
Psychopaten komen op anderen over als koud en ongevoelig. Hun ’emoties’ doen vaak als dramatisch, kortstondig en onecht.

Kil/gebrek aan empathie.
In al hun gedragingen tonen psychopaten weinig respect voor de rechten, gevoelens en hetwel zijn van anderen. Ze beschouwen andere mensen als potentiele slachtoffers die te manipuleren zijn en beschouwen zichzelf als de belangrijkste persoon die er is.

Naast problemen met hun gevoelens ten opzichte van andere mensen en met relaties, vertonen psychopaten zeer problematisch gedrag in hun levensstijl.

Prikkelhongerig/neiging tot verveling.
Psychopatsn hebben een zeer sterke behoefte aan stimulatie en een ongebruikelijk sterke afkeer van verveling. Ze leiden doorgaans een snel leven met veel risicogedrag en experimenten met drugs, en vinden dat school, werk en langdurende relaties saais en vervelend zijn.

Parasitaire levensstijl.
Een psychopaat kiest er vaak voor om te teren op de zak van de familie, partner of vrienden, en vermijdt het hebben van een vaste baan.

Gebrekkige beheersing van gedrag.
Kenmerkend is dat ze vaak opvliegend zijn en zich slecht kunnen beheersen. Op mislukkingen, kritiek en frustraties reageert een psychopaat vaak met geweld, scheldpartijen of bedreigingen. Dit kan even snel ophouden als het is begonnen.

Psychopaten gedragen zich vaak uitermate impulsief zonder echt stil te staan bij de voors en tegens van hun gedrag: Relaties worden nogal eens beëindigd, banen worden opgezegd en ze verhuizen zonder anderen daarover te informeren en zonder dat de beslissing goed is overdacht.

Onverantwoordelijk gedrag.
Psychopaten tonen geen verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel of loyaliteit ten opzichte van familie, vrienden, werkgevers, huisbazen of anderen. De omgang met geld is vaak bedroevend. Ze hebben schulden, gaan beroerd om met zakenrelaties, en zijn hun familie vaak enorm tot last.

Ontbreken van realistische doelen op de lange termijn.
Psychopaten hebben geen plannen of doelen voor de lange termijn. Ze leven van dag tot dag en veranderen hun plannen continu, en storen zich er niet aan dat hun leven vrij inhoudsloos is.

Gedragsproblemen op jonge leeftijd.
De kinderjaren kenmerken zich door tal van problemen zoals liegen, vechtpartijen, diefstalletjes, beroving, brandstichting en uitingen van geweld tegen mens en dier. De psychopaat staat daardoor vaak al vroeg bekend als het zwarte schaap van de familie.

In hun tienertijd gedragen ze zich zeer antisociaal en krijgen ze te maken met arrestaties en veroordelingen.

Schending van voorwaardelijke invrijheidsstelling.
Als volwassene onderneemt de gedetineerde psychopaat ontsnappingspogingen, keert niet terug van weekendverloven, begaat delicten tijdens de voorwaardelijke invrijheidsstelling, en houdt zich niet aan de voorwaarden van de voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf.

Auke Wind
@tabenningshoff : Daar is onze Joran nou juist precies erg goed in!
karen vink
Ik denk dat als je gestoord bent, je de hele wereld voor de gek kunt houden!
dennis janssens
@david4102 wow mooi antwoord boerelul hollander
we kunnen er maar beter om lachen dan om huilen he !
@TheJossX Dankjewel voor je vertaling 😉
Vloekvideos uit de hel
@fctchk If anything, I think it was the media aka Peter made him snap even further. He was already considered and treated as a paria. Of course there’s no way back from there, regardless of what he might have done to Holloway.
Emperor Palpatine
”ik heb het er met mn ouders en advocaten over gelegd”
Het is verschrikkelijk wat hij heeft gedaan. Maar wij zijn niet anders dan 100 jaar geleden. De gene met een psychologische afwijking horen niet thuis in onze maatschappij en we stoppen ze achter de tralies om er maar vanaf te zijn. Gevangenisstraffen helpen ons zodat we een tijdje verlost zijn van deze personen, maar het helpt voor de persoon zelf niets. Gevangenisstraffen zijn echter wel handig als dreigement, maar alleen voor mensen met een gezond verstand.
Joop de laat
joran is een psygopaat , die zal wel in peru blijven zitten .
Diego V
Gaat dit over die Patrick in de auto ? Haha grappig hoe Joran dan geloofde dat die PAtrick echt een dikke dealer was.. Ironischhhhhh
Als je niet verder denkt dan, hij heeft iets verschrikkelijks gedaan en moet de doodstraf krijgen, dan laat je jezelf teveel beïnvloeden door je emoties. Zolang wij niet op tijd kunnen ontdekken dat er iemand in de buurt is die een psychische afwijking heeft, blijven wij met deze verkrachtingen en moorden geconfronteerd. Deze mensen hebben hulp nodig, krijgen ze dat niet, dan zijn dit de gevolgen voor onze eigen maatschappij.
Thank God for Karma.
Op een 1 of andere reden heb ik toch medelijden met Joran Van Der Sloot. Hier doet hij lief en aardig, en het is best lullig dat ze hem hebben veraden. Maar dat hij dit doet is niet normaal.
Deze hele situatie lijkt verdacht veel op de O.J. Simpson case.
@Dennisieo Kaapverdiaan maar verder maakt dat niet uit 😀
Esther van Nieuwkerk
nathelee kreeg een epileptise aanval, en toen heeft joran zijn vader gebeld, en die heeft haar in zee gedumd.
Oke Dan
Peter heeft hem in een benauwde positie gezet. Maarja eerst harde bewijs ,voordat je iemand ze leven gaat kapot maken.
leugentje om eigen best will ,dat kan geen kwaad …zegt mijn oma
San Quentin, Ryker’s Island, Pelican Bay, take your pick Joran….where would you like to reside?
Josiene J
@tabenningshoff helemaal mee eens..
ziek ziek man! Die vent zit hier waar ik nu woon….in Lima! Nu gaat hij zijn straf krijgen!
Jan Jaap Bruijn
Eenzame Kerst voor Joran…..,psychopaat
2:16 En nog janken ook! Ja, omdat hij zich verluld heeft…..kansloos figuur.
Relax……it has nothing to do with being Dutch or Canadian or whatever. We’re all individuals and responsible for our actions regardless of nationality. Go Holland!!
Josiene J
@psvloverke Ze zegt dat ze het een goede video vind, en ze voelt zich alleen en als iemand met der wil schrijven heb ze ook een foto, ofzo iets. Mijn duits is niet heel goed. ;p
1 woord bullshit ^^
Annet Dusseldorp
Wie is er hier nu dom? Hij heeft iedereen straal voor de gek uit wraak
@thirzaverw , Je hoeft iemand die dyslectisch niet te verbeteren… 😉
Luuk V.
Nou? dat hoor ik zo ook wel,het lijkt ook op een gegeven moment dat ie begint te huilen. het is misschien heel knap van je dan je bij de recherche zit maar dit is tog wel iets dat hem gewoon verraad voor wat hij heeft gedaan en dat gesprek met die patrick van der eem? ik denk dat in dat 20 minuten durende geprek hij hem de huid heeft vol gescholdenXD
Vera Tempelaars
doe eve gezond ofzow?
@aponcapone Gerrit
Christina Smid-Wolff
Laat hem maar de waarheid zeggen wat hij heeft gedaan is beter voor hem en voor de fam van haar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hij is echt zon tjappert haha
@aponcapone gerrit
abdel legendair
ik begrijp jou emotie jochi en u hebt gelijk, die varken joran had gewoon een ambulance kunen belen..maar moordenaar is moordenaar.hij is liegt omdat hij is zielig, maar toch slim, hij liegt alleen als hij denkt dat dat gaat hem helpen of beshermen
abdel legendair
de bewijse is duidelijk ,de maniere hoe hij dat heeft vertelt, hij was wel seriouse en vertelt hij bij bewust wat allemal gebeurt aan iemand die hij vertrowt (Patrick). en dan Peter R de vries is geen dome man, hij heeft al bewijst hoe goed is hij om dit soort zaken te oplossen.wat hij kan om de waarheid te vinden geen andre nederlander kan dat
Nee er is iets mis hiermee. Ik bedoel ook al was ik onder de invloed van mariuhana dan zou ik nooit wat zeggen dat helemaal niet waar was dit blijft een X-File niet opgeloste zaak
Milli Djano
ja ik was die vis die toekeek
@franekergeksten is het niet meer van wie zoet is krijgt lekkers wie stout is krijgt Peru ?
@thirzaverw , Nee, Je begrijpt mij verkeerd…nml. dat je iemand die (waarschijnlijk) dyslectisch is tracht te verbeteren… 😉
Thirza Verweijen
@codyjohn1551 Het is ‘dyslectisch’ en niet dislecties………..
Thirza Verweijen
@FrankypankyV8 Ik verbeterde slechts degene die de ander dyslectisch noemde. Wel goed blijven lezen hè
Jim Wave
Uit al zijn interviews blijkt dat deze jongen een psychopaat is. En nog steeds staat er geen psychiater op die zegt dat hij een gevaar voor de samenleving is en moet worden opgenomen in een PSYCHIATRISCHE INRICHTING.
stef breukel
Een Psychopaat denkt alleen maar aan zich zelf, iedereen krijgt de schuld. Zelfs als die zegt dom dom dom denkt die alleen maar aan zich zelf. Ik kan me voorstellen als je iets vreemds doe dat je in je steeds dieper in leugens verstrikt raakt, voor al als heel Nederland meekijkt
jan pieter
wrm doe mensen zo moeilijk over deze tjappi ? in de nederlandse gevangenis zitten ergere mensen …
Gino Gandhi Martinez LLanos
@kimmy500v maar niet om mensen te vermorden
Thirza Verweijen
@codyjohn1551 Hmm apart..
Milli Djano
ze kreeg een hartaanval hij heeft haar alleen overboord geflikkerd
Emo Panda
Joran is cool 😀
@franekergeksten lees beter je eigen reactie dan
Krid Laawretiu
Interessante beschrijving; de meerderheid ervan geldt voor de meerderheid der mensheid.
Gino Gandhi Martinez LLanos
Noe hebt die psychopaat een moie Peruanshe meidje vermoord
Joshua Pierce
@thirzaverw lronisch he?
bla swaia
Is dit echt want hij klinkt wel heel zenuwachtig beetje dom van hem
@david4102 zie hem schelden dan he…….stoere jongen hoor
@david4102 en je bedoeld??
Vince FX
@codyjohn1551 ok het is heel simpel. dit is het laatste wat ik zeg. ik ga hier geen tijd meer aan verspillen en dat hoef jij ook niet te doen. alle reacties worden niet gelezen en direct verwijderd 😉
abdel legendair
ik weet niet hoe kom jij aan dit GSM, de nut van alles ligt aan wat hij vertelt aan Patrick, “de oceaan is grote”, “ze gaan haar niet meer vinden”, op eens trilt zij in mijn arm, ze lijkt niet goed uit..wat denk jij al die was alleen maar fantasie?
Sander Beukhof
Alles wat ie zegt klinkt echt ontzettend nep, niks is te geloven, ookal zegt ie dat ie witbrood heeft gekocht, ik zou het niet eens geloven, echt een mafkees, gewoon opsluiten. Alleen al voor liegen 1miljoen keer
abdel legendair
in zijn programa heeft wel de waareheid over joran getoont, alleen nederlanders zijn van natuur zo, ze willen begrijpen of geloven alleen wanneer ze dat willen..zo ook doen ze met buitenlanders, als je een klein fout doet willen niet begrijpen, dat is gewoon caractere van slecht mensen
abdel legendair
ha ha ha u maakt mij echt lachen ,u bent echt grapig..maar ik ben zeker dat u weet wel de waarheid en toch doe jij alles om die varkentje joran te verdeidigen..stoer praatje? hij belt toch iemand die voor hem heeft dat gedaan? als hij wil zich zelf stoer maken had hij aan Patrick vertelt dat hem wie heeft haar in zee gooit , toch?
abdel legendair
u overdreift, Patrick heeft moraal, hij is een loyale man, ok hij heeft incident toen hij tiener was, maar nu is hij volwassen hij heeft zijn eigen bedrijft..ook als Patrick is slecht man, die joran is niet zo inteligent om hem te krijgen
Dit mannetje is zo arrogant! Niet te filmen!
Hij moet gewoon de DOODSTRAF krijgen..
@babyshyist Daar versta ik dus geen **** van, misschien je aanpassen en engels praten?
Thomas Benningshoff
Wat is dit raar om te horen zeg!? Want als het goed is heeft ie het ook allemaal gedaan en is schuldig aan zelfs meerdere moorden? Bedoel als ik hem nu zo hoor geloof ik hem en lijkt ie oprecht, terwijl hij dus keihard aan het liegen is?? Gekkenhuis!!
abdel legendair
ik moet lachen over dat expressi van (met mooi praatjes geld probeerde te verdienen met Patrick ) welke mooie praatje was het? Natalee gedumpt in zee is een mooie praatje volgence jou?!!!sjongen jongen omdat jij zeld denkt te veel aan geld, typisch nederland eerst geld, eerst betalen
abdel legendair
toen Nathali trilt in zijn armen en hij belt niet de ambulance of politie,waarom heeft hij dat niet gedaan? ik denk niet dat hij was bang alleen van dat drink met te veel alcohol die aan haar geeft hoor, er is nog iets bij
Max Lippincott
Paga tus crímenes. Desperdicio de vida…, Pobre niño rico, personalidad psicopática. Pobres chicas! Pobres familias destrozadas… Y ! esto se pudo evitar ! pobres sociedades
Jim Wave
Hij is een beetje getruced zegt ie op 2.33. Hij geeft dus toe dat ie de boel naait. Waarschijnlijk heeft ie haar dus ook vermoord. Deze jongen kent geen gevoelens en is dus daarom een gevaar voor de samenleving en kan op grond van dat feit worden opgesloten in een PSYCHIATRISCHE INRICHTING. Er komt een tijd dat zijn maatjes uit de school gaan klappen.
Auke Wind
Ik ben ongelooflijk dom geweest, roept Joran constant…. Dom? Juist: dom voor maar 1 persoon: Joran. Rest van Nederland vindt het niet dom, hoor Joran. Wij zijn blij met de beelden. Er is echt niemand die het domme uitspraken van jou vindt.
abdel legendair
ha ha, kijk u kunt liegen als de vraag is A of B. maar joran vertelt de hele verhaal, geloof jij echt dat was een fantasie om zo een verhaal te creeren/vertelen? dat is geen liegen, en ook lijkt geen maniere en geen reden in om patrick te krijgen..en als hij denkt dat Patrick is crimel,dan maakt hij zich zelf alleen maar erger om met een crimel te gaan
jonge hij is al 300x verkracht in peru dus niet klagen natallee hollaway or whatever is nooit bewezen geen proof geen misdaad niet gaan vermoeden bla bla bla dat is bullshit
abdel legendair
nee hoor Peter is een eerlijk mens, omdat jij als meest nederlanders julli vertrown niet andren en verwachten dat iedreen is net als julli, manipulateur, calculender ect, zo denk jij dat Peter R de vries is ook zo, maar echt heelemal niet waar, Peter heeft moraal, hij zou nooit zijn tape knipen of iets bij bewust fout doen
In peru moet je binne 1,5 jaar worden voorgeleid aan de rechter maar ze kunnen geen vertalkers vinden.. heel raar.. want de wereld zit er vol mee. Als hij bekend zit hij 18 jaar als hij niet bekend word hij na 9 jaar vrijgelaten en hij weet dat. Dan moet hij amerika van zich af schudden maar zolang natalee niet gevonden word kunnen hun ook niks ook al heeft hij moeder hollaway afgeperst.. We zijn tijdelijk van hem af, maar over 9 jaar komt hij gewoon weer terug.
abdel legendair
u zegt dat hij wil stoer spelen..dat is echt onzin man..stoer en hij belt de andre echt stoer met banaan boot om hem te helpen?? er zijn zo veel andre manieren om stoer te spelen.joraan is mietje, gewent om alles makkelijk te krijgen, hij weet alleen maar makkelijk leven en lux, niet de echt leven en heeft hij geen moraal. het verhaal is wel vervelend, dat had hij ook niet geplant of zo, maar had hij gewoon ambulance moeten belen, niet banaana boot

1 Peter R. de Vries over gigantische Joran van der Sloot-zaak

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28 feb. 2020

Op de laatste vrijdag van de maand blikken we normaal gesproken terug op de mediagebeurtenissen van die maand. Maar aangezien dit de laatste media-uitzending in ons bestaan is, doen we het anders. We blikken terug op een aantal programma’s en mensen die een grote rol speelden in de media tijdens ons vijftienjarig bestaan.

Met onder meer:
– Jeroen Wollaars over Angela Merkel, al sinds 2005 bondskanselier van Duitsland.
– Peter R. de Vries over de Joran van der Sloot-zaak.
– Arjen Lubach over, uiteraard, Zondag met Lubach, inmiddels een instituut op de zondagavond.

3 Peter de Vries vertelt bij Nova over wijsneus Joran

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4 feb. 2008

Peter de Vries vertelt bij Nova over wijsneus Joran
abdel legendair
dat klopt niet wat u roept nu..ik heb zelf haar boek gelezen,je liegt gewoon net als joran.joran is leugenaar maar dat zegt niet dat hij altijd liegt, hij liegt alleen wanneer hij denkt dat gaat hem helpen
Dayne Peachman
Idd. Iedereen haalt er zijn voordeel uit, de media smult, Peter R. de Vries straalt en Joran heeft een Engeltje op zijn schouder.
Roberto Valero
Waarom was Beth al onderweg naar Aruba nog voor dat ze vermist was????En precies vijf jaar naar dato vermoord hij Stephany Floris!!!!Kom op zeg!!!!😂😂😂Het ging om Joran zijn vader en de functie die hij had.En in die hoedanigheid heeft hij de Amerikanen voor de schenen geschopt.En het gaat totaal niet om Natalee.

4 Peter R de Vries 2008 afl 01 03 feb Peter R de Vries Lost De Zaak Natalee Holloway Op nl gesproken

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24 mei 2012

5 (ENGLISH SUBS) Dutch Interview Joran van de Sloot (Deel1_2) (Part1_2)

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25 aug. 2014

(Englisch Subtitles are in the make) Misdaadverslaggever John van den Heuvel weet de wereldwijd beruchte Joran van der Sloot als eerste uitvoerig voor de camera te interviewen. – Joran Spreekt – Joran Speaks
Hij heeft letterlijk gewoon geen ziel. Het lijkt echt op wat religieuze mensen de duivel zouden noemen. Hij tript hem daar helemaal in zijn eigen wereldje van leugens en waar hij helemaal de mastermind van de mensheid is ofzo.. Het enige wat Ik niet begrijp is hoe hij wel empathie kan voelen als zijn eigen vader overlijdt, maar mijn theorie daarover is dat hij zich dan gewoon sorry voor zichzelf voelt, dat hij gewoon medelijden met zichzelf heeft dat zijn vader dood is gegaan. Zijn leven is gewoon een film waarin hij de hoofdrol speelt en volgt, en hij denkt waarschijnlijk nieteens dat de realiteit die hij waarneemt echt is waardoor wij allemaal gewoon fake projections van zijn subconscious mind zijn zoals in de film Inception. Ik zeg ook maar wat hier maar either way is het echt grimmig om hem te zien spacen in zijn gevoelloze wereldje zonder ziel. Echt zo alsof hij geen mens is maar een robot of een alien ofzo scary shit.
Rainbow Dash
But Joran its a really insane man .He was expecting a palace after kill the girls .
Christy Wood
Come on! The subtitles stop EXACTLY at the interesting part!
Guus Bouwmans
Het is me wel een klusjesman hè. Gaten dichtmaken met flessen, houtwerk schilderen en tuinieren. Wellicht kan hij net als alle televisiezenders ook nog een centje bijklussen met dit hele gebeuren. Een spin-off van eigen huis en tuin?
Joran over dat hij naar de psychiater (‘sychiater’) is geweest: ‘Ja, die heeft me dopamine gegeven, chemicaal stoffen’. Ziet het dus als een soort drugsdealer 🤠
Joran heeft de ouders van natalee holloway niet afgeperst maar opgelicht. Klein verschil maar toch wel even belangrijk denk ik.
Kavita R
Je kan niet kaarten maar zegt bij 26 dat je wel gekaart hebt?? Lul
Yadasampati dasa
Op 58:00 maakt John van den Heuvel een behoorlijk grote fout. Hij zegt dat Jorans moeder in een telefoongesprek met Joran tegen hem gezegd heeft dat “hij een meisje vermoord heeft”, maar we hebben zijn moeder net horen vertellen (56:50) dat ze hem alleen maar gemeld heeft dat “er een meisje vermoord is”, en dat hij zich bij de politie moest gaan melden omdat hij gezocht werd.
v v
Ik ggeloof hem, als ie zegt, in de gevangenis in aruba is het begonnen. De dagen daar werd diep in hem en enorm zwart duister beest gevormd. Zou goed zijn als john vd heuvel flink op die tijd en op zijn denken toen door vroeg.
Hoog iq maar zeer laag eq, hoogbegaafd krankzinnig en zeer gevoelloos, een hele gevaarlijke combinatie
Waarom is steeds maar aantoonbaar liegen tegen de politie niet strafbaar?
“ik kan niet kaarten” zegt hij in het begin, hij is verdorie een pokerheld!! -_-
Marianne Markus
Het zou me zoon zijn… dit heb je gezet op de wereld en heb je pijn voor gehad tijdens de bevalling. Om een zoon als Joran te krijgen. Echt een schande !
Lol. ”komt ie aan, komt ie aan, sigaret onder zijn oor’ 4:35
Via Moore
He is such a liar. at 10:44 he says he doesn’t know how to play cards and at 26:18 he says he played cards in the casino after his father’s death. SMH Sociopath
56:00 hier kan je duidelijk zien dat hij liegt!!!!
Al die emotionele mensen die er niks mee te maken hebben. Mensen vinden haat gewoon leuk..
brett Buddy
Hij tript hem daar helemaal in zijn eigen wereldje van leugens en waar hij helemaal de mastermind van de mensheid is ofzo.. Het enige wat Ik niet begrijp is hoe hij wel empathie kan voelen als zijn eigen vader overlijdt, maar mijn theorie daarover is dat hij zich dan gewoon sorry voor zichzelf voelt, dat hij gewoon medelijden met zichzelf heeft dat zijn vader dood is gegaan. Zijn leven is gewoon een film waarin hij de hoofdrol speelt en volgt, en hij denkt waarschijnlijk nieteens dat de realiteit die hij waarneemt echt is waardoor wij allemaal gewoon fake projections van zijn subconscious mind zijn zoals in de film Inception. Ik zeg ook maar wat hier maar either way is het echt grimmig om hem te zien spacen in zijn gevoelloze wereldje zonder ziel. Echt zo alsof hij geen mens is maar een robot of een alien ofzo scary shit.
Ed Gr
First 36 minutes the subs are ok…
Pijnlijk om te zien
Eden Garden
Hij is gek op geld, wat, geil op geld. Ook nu nog, hij doet alles voor geld en denkt alleen aan zichzelf. Alles draait om Joran. Als hij er maar beter van wordt, boek uitbrengen? Ja maar alleen aan de hoogste bieder! Want het moet hem veel geld opleveren. De slachtoffers en nabestaanden antwoorden geven? Vast alleen voor een paar miljoen.
Bryan Van eggelen
Ik heb een televisie waar ik op tv op kan kijken hoogbegaafde uitspraak bijna niemand weet dat je op een televisie tv kan kijken
Peter Gillis
De grootste rat past niet door dat gat en spendeert de meeste tijd in die cel. Ik wou dat er meer ongedierte daar was, vooral kakkerlakken en ook schimmels.
56.01; je ziet hem denken… en ik moet toegeven, slim is hij wel.
Hij kan niet kaarten, maar vond het wel leuk om te kaarten?…
hasse Siemonsdochter
Fijn om hem zo te zien,en het is nog fijner om te weten dat hij nu is overgeplaatst naar een gevangenis zit die als de hel op aarde te boek staat.
g gg
wow 5 years back and now 26 years to go and than he goes to amerika in jail for 30 years wow what a live.
Raisingirl_ Indy
Ik blijf het een engerd vinden. Psychopaat.
Michelle De jong
zo grappig die gast min 20 nou wow hoezo koud 
live now
Hij heeft alle trekken van een narcistische psychopaat.. vol van zichzelf, geen empathisch vermogen naar anderen toe en gelooft in zijn eigen verhalen.
Eden Garden
Hij komt denk ik nooit meer vrij, hierna naar the usa, en die zijn ook niet mak. Hoge straffen.
Anneke Poolen
Ze weten zelf niet wat ze met hem aan moeten,geen van allen,en zal alles in zijn graf meenemen,hij is niet te doorgronden,wat ze ook proberen .
Alex Ser
hij denkt nog steeds dat ie vrij komt….wat een mentaliteit zeg
Een aartje naar zijn vaartje zo moeder zo dochter zo vader zo zoon….  AMEN!!!!
Kan je het moment herinneren dat je hoorde dat je vader overleden is? Wat een domme vraag zeg!
Ikke, ikke, narcist, slachtofferrol, alles buiten zichzelf leggen, “het is absoluut fout” maar wel geld innen. “Want ZIJ kwamen naar mij toe… totaal geen moreel besef… trek je conclusie.
René Rockx
Hele vreemde jongen, ik zie geen enkele emotie zelfs niet als t over z’n vader gaat. typisch psychopatisch gedrag.
Waarom is hij ineens zo zenuwachtig en ongemakkelijk hier?
Elisabeth BoSs
Duidelijk dat hij alle twee meisjes heeft vermoord. Zijn hele gedrag wat hierin deze video is te zien. Is overduidelijk gedrag van ontkenningsfaces. Een goede psychiater kan dit duidelijk herkennen dit gedrag. Ik denk zelfs dat Joran nog wel meer op zijn geweten heeft. En wat die twee vrienden betreft van Joran. Die weten meer. En ik denk zelfs dat zijn vader achter de waarheid is gekomen.
gutjes , hij was bang .. en wat werd hij benadeeld voor en na zijn arrestatie zeg……
Ik kan niet goed tegen deze ongelooflijk subjectieve media. Het interview is goed, maar het commentaar is ontzettend subjectief. Joran is geen lieverdje, maar toch hoort dit soort media objectief te zijn.
Marianne Markus
Ik was aan het kaarten in de casino, maar daarvoor zei hij dat hij helemaal niet kan kaarten?? Die gast is snel betrapt op een leugentje
the subtitles is made thru a netherlander, can you very good see
Sola Sunny
Wat een nietszeggend interview….en die Joran kan nog geen 2 grammaticaal correct Nederlandse zinnen achter elkaar zeggen. Pfffttt…. vermoeiend en irritant om naar te luisteren.
Hier zit meer achter 🙂 ze proberen iets in zijn schoenen te schuiven!
Wtf zijn dit voor vragen??? Hoe ziet je wc eruit😂😂
Carmen Boot
Ogen weg draaien en stotteren tijdens lastige vragen. Zegt genoeg
Kavita R
Je kan niet kaarten maar zegt bij 26 dat je wel gekaart hebt?? Lul
ferry koppen
Ze geeft hem geen hand maar stiekem een muntje om te spelen.ik. denk dat hij vals speelt en muntjes naar maakt.om te spelen.
Wat sneu dit, die John denkt dat die een soort Peter R is
Daisy Luckerath
echt spygisch ! alle zinnen beginnen met IK. geen seconde over Natalie
Lena kuip
Inderdaad een Psychopaat en een monster. Hij zit goed in de hel op aarde.
Beatrijs Van Nuffel
Waarom staan de “👎” uit?
Hij heeft het WAARSCHIJNLIJK gedaan? Maar hoe weten ze dat? Het spijt me zeer hoor, maar misschien zit die wel voor niks vast zulke lange tijd. Ik hoop dat er concreet bewijs wordt geleverd dat hij het heeft gedaan of er nog een beetje goed vanaf komt.
Where’s the subtitles!!! 😡😡😡
Het hele interview is behoorlijk suggestief. Net zoals iedereen hem eigenlijk al veroordeeld had, nog voordat de zaak uberhaupt voor de rechter was geweest. Ik vraag me af in hoeverre hij eigenlijk wel een eerlijke zaak heeft gehad?
Als je opgejaagd blijft worden alsof je een stuk wild bent, voor iets wat je misschien niet gedaan hebt, dan ga je jezelf uiteindelijk ook als een opgejaagde wilde gedragen met allerlei gevolgen zoals bv paranoide . Media is hier de grote winnaar , dat sowieso.
Myriam Meijer
Al ZOU hij Nathalie niet vermoord hebben, dan nog. Haar in zee dumpen is minstens zo fout. En oja, dit zit vol met leugens.. Hij moet denken over zijn antwoorden
Joëll Hendrixx
Hij heeft een serieus spraakgebrek
Eeh van welk jaar en maand is dit interview
Stephanie Flores, hij ontkent, maar geeft wel aan dat er over praten absoluut in zijn nadeel is… is vgls mij tegenspraak.
Refanja 777
Gebonden door de machten van Satan satan wil iedereen dood hebben Joran was zijn instrument zelfde als hitler en velen ervoor. Gij zult niet doden verteld de bijbel. Alleen Jezus redt en maakt vrij van de machten van de hell
robert tuiten
de states hebben geen recht van spreken!!
Ryan 0183
Wnr werd deze interview opgenomen?
Peter Nick Zaal
Joran zijn stem klinkt als Peter R De Vries
brett Buddy
he seems like a nice chap
Sbm Harbers
joran uit de goot
ook nog zeiken dat het slecht is daar in die bajes daar martelen die kerel
Arno B.
Aan de ouders van Joran: wees ontzettend bevoorrecht dat jullie zo’n monster op de aarde hebben gezet. Mijn complimenten, alleen de ouders van het meisje van Nulde overtreffen jullie in het laagste van het laagste. Mvg.
John Smith Johnny
Hoe ging dat spreekwoord nou.. Van der Sloot in de put geraken….met zevenmijlslaarzen…. Wat een lul….
Iedereen loop te zeuren over die ondertiteling,,just click sub title dutch…and…voila now you got engels sub tietellllls
Ms Joppie
waarom zeggen ze meisje. t is een volwassen vrouw hoor
Frankenstein Hannibal
Hij heeft wel iets met dochters van rijke mensen ouwe
daar laten TOT ZIJN DOOD
Henkie Van
Hoe zou t zijn met ons jorantje?
Kavita R
Je kan niet kaarten maar zegt bij 26 dat je wel gekaart hebt??
Curious Irish Angel
what sub titles?…hhhmm
Joran in de sloot
Tjerko Hendriks
SCHANDALIG, HOE ER MET AANNAMES WORDT GEGOOID. IK verdedig Joran absoluut niet. Wat er gebeurd is, KAN en MAG absoluut NIET en is GRUWELIJK. Toch vind ik deze wijze om sensationeel verhaal te vertellen SCHANDALIG. M. a. w. Sensatiezucht, sfeer maken uit naam van persvrijheid vind ik net zo onverwerpelijk. Dit heeft niets met informeren vh publiek te maken maar met geldklopperij (men is dus gelijk aan JORAN vd S: geld voor sensatie)
robert tuiten
en ophangen is geen straf vergeleken mt 50 jaar zitten
Roy blonk
sta je voor m wetend dat ie gewoon 2 doden meiden op zn geweten heb 2 meiden heb 1000000 procent zeker gatverdamme man
pauly G
Ze is in ze hotelkamer gevonden ? niet in het moeras of zee?
Sbm Harbers
joran in de sloot
Samy Mercier
meest gehate man van peru , aub , peru heeft betere dinges dan hun bezighouden met hollandse moord verhaaltjses
Terence Hill
watch this I can speak Dutch jikle kaan zljen dkekle lk brjjnf een daar
ry db
honee joran kilt a girl and there more big problems he lie and much people hate him he says he gambling plays for money a girl is dead and gone joran was around he walks out a hotel and a girl is dead ……….
Mary Coburn
Ok why the hell did they stop with the subtitles?!!! :/ 🙁  …did someone get lazy?! grrr. What is Joran saying!? 🙁
als hij slecht praat over de gevangenis word hij iedere dag gemarteld.. daarom praat niemand zo over de gevangenissen in het buitenland je hoort dit wel vaker.
appss 010
freeeeeeee gunn deze man soldierr
Polther Polther
Love you soow much joran
Marianne Markus
Joran was geen domme jongen, hij spreekt vloeiend Nederlands, Spaans en Engels! Hij had talent maar moest de spanning opzoeken!!
Daisy Luckerath
why nobody get after that friend with a boat …he talks about? he is a killer to!
Ms Joppie
ze was een moslim…oeioeioeiii
ik vind toch dat Joran hier zijn sympathieke kant laat zien. Het lijkt mij een erg aardige jongen, maar hij laat zich iets te snel opnaaien door anderen. Ik geloof in zijn oprechtheid als mens.
Michael van Noort
john van den Heuvel . laat alles gaan sufferd. elke keer wil je weer belangrijk zijn. waarom?
Deni Speer
Joran is cool 😉
gertjan van der meij
Het is mij nog steeds niet duidelijk HOE ze is vermoord ? is ze gewurgd , vergiftigd , neer gestoken etc ?
Patricia Haarloo
Als de politie de bekentenis van Joran aan Patrick serieus had genomen, was Stefany Flores niet zo vermoord. Heel erg dat ze niets met de bekentenis hebben gedaan. Hij moest Natalee laten verdwijnen want er waren sporen van wurging rond der nek. Hij hft waarschijnlijk zn vader, die waarnemend rechter is, gebeld. Wie zou hij anders moeten bellen in zo n moeilijke situatie ? Z’n pa weet ook:” geen lichaam geen bewijzen”. Waarom doe je dit Joran? Hopelijk ziet je mama nu de ware Joran. Belachelijk, dat ze je zo geweldig vind, omdat je de tuin heb schoongemaakt. Op 16 jarige leeftijd al in de casino’s. Dat is niet normaal, wat n voorbeeld voor je broertjes.
Lars van Zutphen
Hij heeft 2 mensen vermoord? That’s it? Niet meer? Maakt dat hem de meest verschrikkelijke persoon ooit!? Nee wtf?! Er zijn mensen die meer dan 100 onschuldigen mensen hebben vermoord. Ik mag die Joran we
gertjan van der meij
mijn vriend in Ohio wacht al heel lang op de ondertiteling die je belooft hebt ! wanneer kom je van je luie reet af en ga je eens aan het werk ? je belooft van alles maar je doet er geen reet aan ! ongelofelijk ! je laat nu gewoon een hoop engelstalige mensen in de kou staan ! . buiten dat , het is toch ook mogelijk om het door youtube zelf te laten vertalen ? onder elke video staat een icoontje waarmee je het altijd in jouw taal krijgt ?
Geef me 1 minuut in een gesloten kamer en een honkbalknuppel. Dan is veel verdriet in de toekomst niet nodig. Die glimlach van die Joran bevalt me niet………………
tolga demirel
zielig man voor joran hij is helemaal kapot gewoon jammer dat die zijn leven zo heeft verpest ik hoop dat die eruit komt

6 Joran and parents interview # 2

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28 jun. 2008

Jan 11 2008 Pauw&Witteman About lies, Gielen and daddy`s advise Peter R de Vries sharp comments

7 Natalee Holloway – Nova June 29 2005 #1/2(with snipped translation)

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28 sep. 2008

Interview with Paul and Anita van der Sloot by Twan Huys.


Reporter (Twan Huys): Which function do you have here at the island? Because many stories go around about that. What is your function?

Paul van der Sloot: I am a replacing member of the joint court of justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba [1] and I am appointed for a period of three years, from January the first, 2003, until January the first, 2006.

Reporter (Twan Huys): So, you are replacement judge?

Paul van der Sloot: Yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Do you know the people very well, for example, the people here from the public prosecutors’ office that ordered your detention?

Paul van der Sloot: Yes, for sure, because, before that, I have worked for eight years as chief of the cabinet of the prosecutor general [2].

Reporter (Twan Huys): So, you also know the current prosecutor general?

Paul van der Sloot: Yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Mrs. Croes.

Paul van der Sloot: Yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Yes, and what does that mean when your colleagues stop by to arrest you?

Paul van der Sloot: That gives a feeling of absurdity. It is indeed almost unimaginable that by someone you actually know very well, where you worked together with for a long time, that that one comes to tell you that you are suspected of complicity to murder.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Who was that in your case?

Paul van der Sloot: That was, in this case, that was the leader of the team of police commissioners.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Jan van der Straaten.

Paul van der Sloot: That was Jan van der Straaten, yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): And you know each other very well?

Paul van der Sloot: Yes.

jp irish
Die vader, wat was die fout!
Bubblegut Bonanza
First he says that Joran simply dropped her off at the hotel (that is the story he was told and knew) and later he says that he had to calm the guys down at 3 am, why so? That does not make sense, he must have known more to the story, because her dissapearance was known only next morning.
R Sl
@shanna1950 Dat denk ik zelf van niet. Ik bedoel hij weet natuurlijk héél goed hoe je mensen moet manipuleren en op dwaalsporen te zetten, Mede dankzij zijn vader die hem vast veel heeft bij gebracht op juridisch gebied. Ik denk daarom dat Joran alles met volle verstand doet met het doel niet voor verdwijning/moord etc op te draaien.
g gg
Spreek en word gezond.
Hij leek echt heeel veel op zijn vader.
8:33 That he…me…her…by… ,ehm… that joran saw her already earlyer that day.
Rubenia Malone
They have a monster for son.
g gg
in de kerk zeiden we steeds spreek en u zal gezond worden maar dit heeft hij nooit gedaan.
jp irish
Trouwens mama ook!
‘t moet een vreselijke klap zijn voor zijn moeder dat hij nu gevangen zit in Peru.
@casey1988888 -nu in elk gevolg wel schuldig. Die jongen is zwaar psychisch gestoord. Ze hadden ‘m meteen moeten behandelen
how can you lose faith in your son
@Wesleyyz – ja! spitting image zogezegd

8 Natalee Holloway – Nova June 29 2005 #2/2

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28 sep. 2008

Interview with Paul and Anita van der Sloot by Twan Huys

9 The graphic conversation I heard at Joran van der Sloot’s house

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17 mei 2014

After Natalee Holloway’s disappearance in 2005, her mother and I went to Joran van der Sloot’s house to get answers.
Lawn Guylanda
That sweating was pure GUILT.
No wonder joran was that way with parents like that. In denial. They knew. What a mother. She should be locked up with him.
vinny rico
He was sweating profusely from all of it. Guilt. Horror. Shame. The loss of his Son. I guarantee that the whole ordeal gave him a heart attack or a stroke.
Paula Jackson
Perhaps the father had something to do with assisting Joran in the disappearance of Natalee.
I remember at the time Joran was a suspect in Nat’s disappearance, there was speculation that his father helped take care of Joran’s mess. We will never know now, but it may be why his father was so anxious during your visit.
Montecristo@ dumas
jorans father was the only person he could trust…he disposed of the body….and the guilt killed him in the end!
The father knew what his son did. Not surprised about his mom, defending her son.
Jessica Pazo
Nervous because at any moment, his wife couldve said too much. Natalie’s father said the first time he met Paulus van der shoot, when he reached out to shake his hand, that he was trembling and his hands were shaking so hard. He said in that moment he knew he was involved.
Sherry Gregory
Thanks for sharing the details and goings on behind the scenes, Greta.  Interesting!
Donna Aly
Sweating says it all am so sorry Beth i hope u get over it one day thinking Natalee and Stephany are in Heaven i have realized you are a christian Beth. Thank you Patrick and P r de vries and Sorry people of Stefhany i really wish all victims of Joran Peace from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for letting us know. And Jorans Mother needs mental health care help regarding she did not murder its the son. I am so sorry Be strong live ur life with happiness all.
Fannie Brady
Why would they allow a human being inside with that monster, let alone allowing him to have sex.  This is outrageous.  My God, what is this world coming to????
Cathy Mays
I remember the dad was a perpetual sweater.  I remember the mom stood by her son.  I don’t remember hearing that the mothers ever talked to each other. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Greta. This was very interesting. I appreciate you sharing this Story. Sincerely, Stacy from Massachusetts
Ozark Chinquapin
Greta, thanks for sharing this
Sable Ann
the father helped hide Natalee’s body
Barbara Moellmann
Very interesting, thank you Greta
“I made sure to get to know them” HA. Anyway, reporter, you have not figured out what that was about? Um, it is called a frigging panic attack on the verge of a god damn heart attack because his son was the prime suspect in a murder case and it eventually did kill him. That is one of the things you do when you are having a panic attack, act strange, sweat and can’t sit still, etc. Glad I could help clear that up for you.
Katey Bernal
I dont understand how someone, even a journalist, would encourage doing this
Jay Stein
I remember someone else sweating profusely, Gary Giordano when the Police arrested in! Weeeiiiirrrrd
Guess Joran’s thetans did it, right Greta?
Lorene Whittington
Cause he helped him bury her remains and told them that never say a word about it
Mike w
I believe they ar called ‘flop sweats’ and it does mean literal pouring sweat. MI thinking  the movies Lost in America  and Network had flop sweats in them. Makes me wonder whats on the neighbors property? Definition of FLOP SWEAT :  nervous sweat (as of a performer) caused especially by the fear of failing 
That moment when one person gets national media attention but other missing people don’t because looks . This world is pitiful and a disgrace.
You Are Awesome.
Love you Greta
John Doe
What was bizarre? That you didn’t get the story?
Was his father not a judge or something, I heard that he helped cover it up, He called his father the judge and his father took care of it. That’s my thoughts on the case.
Flutter Bize
Greta was trippin’! Who wouldn’t have right? Those Van derSloots are some strange and most certainly dysfunctional people. But no excuse for anything Joran did.
Michael Amoroso
Is there a transcript of the meeting?
Belinda Henson
Sweating like that can sometimes be a bad heart, also can affect gums, lots of people don’t know these warning signs!! My husband died at 39 we missed both of these warning signs,!!
eric edmunds
He left every 5 minutes? Cocaine 👃 ❄️
Frank Pafumi
Joran killed her and that’s all she wrote.  I don’t give a damn about his family – totally irrelevant and immaterial, IMHO!
kk doc
Wonder if the dad was on cocaine or was withdrawing from something
Frank Pafumi
Well that was a big waste of my time!
John Pestana
You’re a Globe Trotter…
Winter Rose
The two victims here: Natalee and the monkey. You couldn’t do anything for Natalee, but you should have let the monkey go. There you made a choice to sort-of help, but not enough. The monkey was still alive, you could have saved him. Maybe someone could have saved Natalee too, but didn’t do enough.
Laurie H
Where is your credibility???
Mark Fout
What was the point of this video?
But it is sad she died.
Ms Joppie
Bethe talked to Nathalee AFTER that night with Joran !!!! Beth KNEW Nathalee didnt want to come home
They wil burn foerver acording to the bible……  So rejoice….
Sandra Nodine
Well daddy vander sloot took what he knew abojt Natalie to the grave. I believe he was in on her disappearance too. He possibly had had sexual relations with her and she may ha e struggled and was possibly strangled or suffocated while they were trying to keep her quiet. I hope for her parent’s sake the remains that were found are Natalie. It’s time for this poor girl to be found or i should say past time.
Joran Van Der Sloot is innocent they doing all this thing because the mother said so.  But they do not have any prove of it I think the government has something to do with this since they do what they want This is conspiracy.  Joran is already married and happy please live him alone ,

9 Natalee Holloway Case Analysis | Who is Joran van der Sloot?

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28 jun. 2021

This video answers the question: Can I analyze the case of Natalee Ann Holloway? Support Dr. Grande on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/drgrande
Dr. Grande’s book Psychology of Notorious Serial Killers:
This is the story I grew up with as an example of what NOT to do on vacation. Don’t go anywhere alone, don’t drink to the point where you lose control, don’t trust any strangers. Van der Sloot is such a creep. I was always suspicious of his family, too (father).
Christine Perez
When I read how Joran manipulated Natalies mom for money, how he refuse to give her a chance to bury her daughter, he real is a monster. Great analysis Dr Grande!!
Irene Haralabatos
The poor woman in Peru. If the police had done their job in Aruba she would still be alive.
pink pearl
I remember the interview with van der Sloot, when he said he “hated Natalie” for disappearing. He had no feelings at all over her being gone other than that he hated her for disappearing because of what it’s done to him. This interview was years before he murdered the other girl in Peru. He seemed so evil. His presence was so offputting you could feel it through the TV. This guys is a monster he killed 2 young girls and thankfully he’s behind bars cuz I have a feeling they wouldn’t have been his last.
Even if we could remove the murder of the second girl from the equation, the fact that he tried to blackmail a grieving mother says everything about his lack of humanity. He was more than capable of murder.
Life of a Voodoo Doll
This was a huge case here in the Netherlands. I still despise Joran 😫😫
Modern Southern Belles
This case has always been strange to me. I’ve always wondered why her friends and the chaperones let her go with a stranger. When I used to go out we had a rule that we never left with strangers or let each other out of our sight. It’s so odd that she was able to get away from the group unnoticed. I wish he family could get some closure from this. It’s such a tragedy.
Amanda Stetson
I remember this case. He ran away to Perú and killed Stephanie. Then, he crossed the border to Chile and ended up being arrested in Santiago, the capital city.
Lisa York
Joran’s dad, Paul, was a high ranking member of the local judicial department and it’s been rumored he helped his son get rid of the body that night with his boat. He died only a few years later of a heart attack. I’ve heard news stories that inferred the elder van der Sloot had influence with the Aruban police department.
I live in Aruba and I was in high school when this happened. One of my classmates at the time had dated Joran and she told a story of him throwing a homeless man over a bridge once into water below and another story of him being violent with another person. I always found it a little strange that none of this was ever mentioned in the news. Maybe it was not true but it was definitely worth investigating and a case like this. I do believe the authorities did not do a good job of investigating the case. It didn’t seem they could handle the media attention it brought to them or the island and they were not prepared for something like this. It is sad that the family of Natalee will probably never get the truth about what happened.
This kind of high school class trip is a really bad idea as evidenced by all the drinking and partying by this class. These are not adults with all the life experience and maturity to avoid bad circumstances. Their reasoning and other skills are not fully developed at age 18.
I just noticed that lately we haven’t been remembering the 5 personality factors through the acronym OCEAN 😔
Tonie Morrison
” Everybody had an agenda. In the end, nobody was able to get what they wanted. More so than anyone else, Natalie Holloway was the one who was cheated out of getting what she wanted.” Unfortunately, this eloquently sums up the entire sad situation.
Marley Mae
Poor Natalie wanting to see sharks, when she just didn’t realize she was with one.
Behind the Spotlight
Sometimes you just look at a suspect & think “yep. He did it”
Flora Posteschild
Um, who thought Aruba was a good school trip idea for 17 and 18 year olds? And what were the chaperones doing? Drinking, partying, and complaints from the hotel should have caused the trip to be cancelled and everyone going home. And that’s that.
Agree to disagree, I would have loved to see more of a dive into the personality of Joran and the rage on the 5th anniversary of Natalee is when he murdered again in Peru. Appreciate the video, but requesting a deeper dive into Joran in the future would be great too.
Daisy Mae French
Why do high school graduates have to go on extravagant trips out of the country just because they graduated from high school? Isn’t that what they are supposed to do? What were the chaperones doing when she went off with strange guys? We all know this poor girl is dead and was dead right from the beginning. Rest in peace Natalie.
Scruffy Topaz
There was a lot of money involved in this, too as I recall. To the point where years later, an entire infomercial masquerading as a documentary was made spinning the story for Vandersloot. At least two women lost their lives at Vandersloot’s hands. And certainly one of them could have been saved if the police had done a proper job.
Helma Eijck
The most unbelievable is that he had a wife in prison and a baby.
Brad Lamb
I remember this case. Was crazy how he kept getting away and murdering more people
Ro Se
Dr Grande is the hardest working YouTuber I have seen. I hope you will hit the million of subscribers because you clearly deserve it. And here I am not speculating but prognosing it. 😉❤
Dirty Sanchez
I think about Natalie often. I really feel for her parents, especially mom. The absolute BS she has been through, and her murderer playing awful games with her! All of the scammer’s.. Just heartbreaking. Thank you for this video, Dr. Grande. 💔🙏
Fairly morbid thought, but this video just made me realize that a lobster trap might be the best possible way for a murderer to dispose of a body. And I don’t think it’s very coincidental that one was stolen, along with a machete, from the area Natalee went missing. Good lucking finding that trap on the bottom of our massive ocean…
Cher Slays
I am from Birmingham, AL. and I remember this case well. There was a great divide on what happened to her. She came from a very well off family which put in alot of effort to bring her killers to justice. Many here believed Joran and the brothers drugged, raped, and disposed of her body. It’s sad noone was ever convicted for her disappearance but it was great that they finally got him for murdering another woman.
Meena H
The Disappearance of Natalee Holloway is a great in-depth documentary but I’ve never heard that she drank as much as Dr G states. Poor kid 😢
charly Hammond
I watched the oxygen story of this and I don’t ever remember them saying she was drinking all day
Stephanie Butler
I grew up near Natalie. Still haunts the community. Thank you for your analysis.
You worked out an unique style. Really like your channel.
This case is such a sad story…7 chaperones seem inadequate to handle that number of teens. Another great summary and analysis of the case, Dr. Grande.
Jan Edmunds
Only 7 chaperones for over 100 high schoolers in a foreign tropical paradise?!
Matt Landon
Growing up in Alabama and still enjoying it here – this specific case was Mother’s and many others cautionary tale to us children, especially. Thank you for another informative video.
Terrie Savage
I always wondered why her friends let her leave with 3 strangers. And where were the chaperones?
Oh wow…I requested this one a while ago! Thanks so much! 👏🏼 As a Dutch person myself I almost feel vicarious shame, even though I know obviously that makes no sense.. This guy’s a monster and I hope he rots away in that prison in Peru. I just read he’s being transferred back to a prison they call ‘hell on earth’ (Challapalca). Well, good for him! I personally think he took the statement “she wanted to see sharks” very literally…
S Said
Man, I remember this case from the early 2000’s. Joran was privileged, his father was a powerful man who bailed him out on many occasions. Look where he ended up.
I just want to know what the parents thought would happen on this trip…. I’m referring to all of the drinking
Vandersloot killed her. It’s obvious and his actions in the years after gave all the clues.
Poor Natalee and Stephany… the fact that Joran van der Sloot is married with a kid just boggles my mind.
I’m from Alabama. This case was in the news everyday! So sad!
Yolie Lin
Deepak and Sateesh brothers must know everything about this case. I wish they would one day come to their conscience and tell the world what exactly happened to Natalee.
Your channel is growing and becoming better everyday.
Thought his name was pronounced Yore-Ann, Doc?
Sandy Dee
Thanks Dr Grande, For always giving us a timeline in all the cases you feature. It’s the first time I understood this story.
James R
I was on the island when she disappeared. Before I returned to the States, I helped with the local search. I’ve been obsessed with this case. People need to realize that in foreign countries your GUARD has to be up 10 times higher. Look how the local authorities botched this case and let this go “unsolved” for so long, when it was really solved two days after the crime.
Thomism 101
I empathise deeply with the Halloway family. It must have been an unimaginable and ineffable tragedy, the disappearance of one’s own ☹️😭☹️
Helma Eijck
I would likeyou to analyse if he is a sociopath. Although I think that’s obvious
Curious about something, Dr. Grande – Why is it that whenever you say dates, you just say the number, but you never add th or rd or second onto it. Like you say June three instead of June third. Is there some special reason why you do that?
Old Mate
With a name like Van der Sloot you’re probably going to be a villain from some kind of spy movie.
Jordan Lever
It seems to me the adult chaperones really fell down on the job.
Lene Brantley
This case broke my heart. Natalie did not deserve this. It bothered me for a long time. A young woman with her whole life ahead of her. I felt so bad for her mother. You can’t ever get over this. RIP Natalie ❤❤❤ 🙏🙏🙏
Laura Elizabeth
I requested this one! Thank you Dr. Grande! great analysis, as always.
Usama Zulqarnain
Hi Doctor Grande can you do an analysis of Jack The Ripper?
Maureen Ingleston
If Dr Grande believes it’s good enough to believe “Van Der Sloth”….was involved in her death….then that’s good enough for me…..but I must say as a mother of a daughter, my heart truly hurts for her parents, it must be torture for them.
Blue eyes
Wow Doctor. You brought up information that I hadn’t heard. I’m impressed by your investigatory nature. You never leave a stone un- turned. Thank you for your insight Doctor, you helped to stitch together many questions I had. Thank you once again for your interesting videos. 🌵
Leslie CAS
Dr Grande, Could you evaluate the YouTube channel ” HG Tudor – Knowing the Narcissist”? HG is a self-described psychopathic narcissist and his channel explains narcissism. HG offers recommendations for interacting with narcissists.
Monique A
I have never, even in movies, seen someone get high on pot and confess to a murder they never committed.
Jeff Fun
That’s why it’s dangerous to give sheltered western children unbridled freedom in a foreign country all of a sudden Ahh why didn’t the jogger come forward sooner??
Rejane Oliveira
This is certainly every parent worst nightmare. Very sad case. I always wondered about this case, thanks for reviewing it. Thank you for this analysis and for the wonderful video you just uploaded on Patreon, I truly appreciate all the work you do.❤️
Too few chaperones for that many teens! Sounds like they were out of control so the hotel didn’t want a repeat. Most teens without supervision are going to be wild. This was simply not a good idea. It’s a shame nobody noticed or cared that she left the club with 3 strange men. That’s never going to have a good outcome. This was such a sad, sad case. The family appears to have been victimized by van der sloot twice. Once with Natalie and again with her desperate mother. This young man was invidiously evil. I wonder if there were other young women that fell victim to him that we just don’t know about.
Wanda Cole
We have seen so many cases like this in some many horror and thriller movies.
Dislikes are from the Aruba Tourism Authority 😉
I’m from Mountain Brook, the Hollaways lived near me, this devastated our community we have zero crime here and never expect to be victims of crimes especially something so heinous. Nobody is safe from evil.
Always dicey under another country’s laws & getting justice. Another great analysis of a scary person & sad case Dr G😊💛💛
Christian Coleman
I was in high school when this story came out I remember this such a tragedy. Certainly a cautionary tale.
me myself
i use to work in her hometown of Mountainbrook Alabama right outside of Birmingham. Very affluent area with beautiful people with no worries of danger just innocent growth. no wonder she was so trustworthy shame about her mother and how Sloot doesn’t tell the truth. he had help i think many of them did it and being by the ocean will never be found. RIP Natalee Holloway
John Donaldson
In conclusion, the only person who got what they wanted was van der Sloot
Great, no absolutely top notch content! The amount of dedication to details is next level 👌
Autumn Edwards
I could never believe how he tried to extort her family by giving them false information and false hope of finding her remains!😢Despicable but is definitely an interesting case. Great analysis Dr Grande! Thank you!💖
Moon Struck
I grew up with this story as well. Glued to nightly Nancy Grace as she covered it extensively. Some stories never leave you. This is one of them.
Steven Walker
Thanks for this video. I followed the case until the case dropped out of the news cycle. I also spent a week in Aruba this past February and I thought about Ms. Holloway many times during the week. It is a lovely place to visit regardless of this tragedy.
Charisma Lorelye
It makes me sick that we still don’t really know what happened to this beautiful young woman.
Siyovaxsh En-sipad-zid-ana
I literally learned about this case frkm Patrice O’neal’s comedy special.
Juju Bih
Making my Mondays, as per usual! Thanks Dr ☺️
It’s interesting that Natalie Holloway’s mother dated Jonbenet Ramsey’s father.
Anna Thomas
I think this is my favorite shirt. My favorite plant set up. I also need to order a coffee mug-thank you for the visual reminder…. This story has always stuck with me. Thank you for covering it. As always, well done.
the princess
this is so heavy, I can’t believe you tackled this topic!
Elaine Archibald
Thanks Dr. Grande! Sad to know that Van Der Sloot never gave the actual story, or if he did, he had so many not believing the truth. Young life lost, I can’t imagine what her mother had to go through.
Bree H
Just when I thought I couldn’t learn anything new about this case. Dr Grande strikes again. 🤯
Justin Akkerman
Request: Can you do a video on Bob Crane? Both his life & his murder?
Tessa Jones
Can you do a video on the Lin family murders, Australia please. 🇦🇺💔
I’m sorry I’m behind! Thank you so very much, Dr. Grande. This case has always weighed heavy on my heart. John Ramsey (after 5 yrs from when Patsy passed away) spent lots of time with and dated Natalie’s Mom. They didn’t marry & they’ve both moved on, but what a horrific thing to both have in common-mysterious deaths of their children. Thank you again!
🔴 Bucket Head
Im having a mango flavored “Outshine” popsicle while im watching this, and now suddenly it tastes like Dr Grande’s fancy shirt! Lol .. (sorry .. i’ll put my pointed hat on, and go back to my corner now)
Maureen Ingleston
Thank you Dr Grande….this will be gold.
Jolene Kristovich
I’ve smoked a lot of pot. Never confessed to a crime I didn’t commit.
Wasnt there an undercover video where he admitted that he disposed her body/ was part of her death? I’ve seen it he was in the car with this undercover cop that spent a year with him!
Miles Carver
Could you please analyze “The Food Babe”? Love the content!
Serpent Sepia
I think van der Sloot was telling the truth the first time — Natalee wanted to “go see the sharks”.
Collette B
This is really a sad story. Thank you for your thoughts and the interesting video!
Ray Ross
Please cover one of the greatest music creators of our time, Brian Wilson. Thanks Dr. Grande.
Bryan Brizak
Always a like cause you’re always the Doc. Thank you good sir
Ceara !
the idea of having that many high school grads and only 7 chaperones is insane
Poor Natalee, she apparently had a lot of hidden demons hence the excessive drinking. My niece was in the same nightclub (a popular hotspot) at the same time as Van Der Sloot in Peru the night he killed his last victim. I’m so thankful she slipped past him, maybe he didn’t find her to his liking even tho she looks similar to Holloway, only difference is my niece is very muscular and fit and strong willed, thus walks with determination and attitude even tho her heart is gold. Being in Peru on charity work at one of the orphanages.
G Ram
Looking forward to your perspective on this vile human. Thanks for your hard work!
Donkey Butt
Love the color of that shirt! Love all the bright colorful shirts you have! So cheery! ❤️❤️❤️
No big deal to miss breakfast 2x. OMG 😳😳 $till a GREAT video after that ;!!! I know you were just trying to set the tone of her drinking
Eren Yeager
I live in Mountain Brook and this was huge news here when this happened!
Tara Warren
Please make longer videos!!! I could listen to your thoughts endlessly
He smoked some weed and that made him confess to a murder that he was supposedly innocent in, yea alright😂😭
Kimmy Roy
Thanks Dr. Grande. 😊. I never really understood this story.
Mghrbiss - MG
Dear Dr. Grande, could you make a video about PDD-NOS autism? I know it’s officially not a real diagnosis anymore since all former types of autism are now merged into the ASS spectrum, but it would be really helpful. (I believe i have asked you this around 3 years ago and you agreed!)
Jamie Hoover
Great analysis once again , Doc G!😎🔥
Thanks for your thoughts on this topic Dr. G ❤️
Cotton Tails
Dr Grande. I’ve never heard of this case,but your analysis of them is brilliant. Thank you Dr Grande, have a great day.
I remember when this story broke out way back in 2005. I always felt sad that she was never found.
St Hudson
I remember when Natalie‘s mom was dating JonBenet‘s father. She said she found it odd that he didn’t seem to be concerned with finding the killer to his daughter ….and he was almost annoyed that she was still trying to find answers to her own daughters death. 🤔 really makes you think 💭
Leslie CAS
Dr Grande, Could you evaluate Madalyn Murray O’Hair, a founder of an American atheist organization?
M j
I like your take on this , I’m a firm believer that his addiction to gambling was a big factor also , quite close to what you mentioned about Stephen Paddock and he just realized he would never get it back , hence why he confessed to Flores murder. plus the nightlife scene he had plenty of friends and followers in a wannabe gangsta world. He got caught up in lies I really think he was a compulsive gambler and that’s why he did the whole extortion thing and he has kept back details as he want to use it as leverage later if he ever gets close to getting out
Thank you for analyzing this case Dr. Grande. I didn’t know he killed a different girl and was arrested. It’s sad he killed 1 or 2 girls, but I’m glad he was caught and arrested. This is such a sad case. I’m glad he’s behind bars.
Martin DeBrois
I really got tired of her mother being on TV. What mother in her right mind lets her kid go on a trip, to such a place? … And I’ve never heard her talk about that.
alyssa joy black
A beautiful good morning I feel to you from Oz Dr G! Another missing person case to speculate over… as frightening as these cases are you always make brilliant analyses out of them so I’m very much looking forward to watching this when I’m more awake. You’re looking gorgeous as ever Dr G- since I’m binging on your older videos it’s really lovely to see how you’ve gotten more and more comfortable with rocking colours as well as neutrals- always perfect ❤️xx
Lala Shoemaker
I so enjoy your lectures. Thank you.
He saw a “dark man” wonder if he was the same one Susan Smith and Charles Stuart saw.
Susan Lee
This case has always fascinated me. Thank you for doing a video about it
Rosy Mischief
“Exceedingly unlikely but technically possible.” I’ll never forget that incredible line…
Luiz F
Damn Im from Lima, Peru. This case was huuuuge when it happened, he killed the girl because she won 10.000 dollars at a local casino here. real monster!
Right now
Another tragic case 😟 Thank you for your interesting and great analysis Dr. Grande.
Again watched it on my way to work 🙏🏻🙌🏻 loved the video! Thank you Dr Grande!
I like this vid. Good insight.
Lesley Thompson
I can’t help it but Prince George of England has always in appearance reminded me of van der Sloot.
Donna Boden
When a pretty young woman gets in a car with 3 strange men, it is just not going to end well. I wish young women could understand this concept.
Cassandra F
I’ve been watching you all this time and I just realized I was not subscribed. I quickly corrected that.
alyssa joy black
*that was meant to say ‘a beautiful good morning from Oz’- i don’t know what autocorrect was doing there Dr G! ❤️x
Please analyse the story of Caroline Crouch. It’s a big story here in EU.
Addicted to these videos! Thanks Dr. Grande ♥️
Linda Thomas
This case was run by the Barney Fife School of Investigations.
Patrice O’Neil had a great analysis on this case in his special Elephant in the Room. Check it out Dr. Grande sure you enjoy it! Peace.
This guy spun disinformation for his two very wealthy friends. By lying outright to cover them.
Joe Soldezzo
Nightmare in Aruba, goddamn right Dr. Grande.
David Deeble
Is it just me or has it been ages since the Kalpoe brothers have been arrested for Natalie Holloway’s disappearance? What gives? 😉
Will you do an analysis of Missy Bever’s killer (who hasn’t been caught yet)? There’s surveillance video of them waiting for her in a costume, and I want to know your thoughts on their behavior!
Ann Kelly
I think that Jordan’s father knew what happened and helped dispose of the body to protect his son, who was a dirtbag.
Michael Rojas
So many quality videos uploaded in a short period of time!
tony sal
Brilliant sir, thanks again
Jennifer Clark
Could you please do a video on the controversy surrounding Creepshow Art?
Lene Brantley
124 students with 7 chaperones. There was no way they could keep an eye on all tnose kids. This couldn’t been the most freedom Natalie ever had. Drinking from morning til night sounds like a major issue Some kids go wild when they are not use to having freedom. She didn’t deserve this to happen to her.
Julie Griffiths
Unbelievable how fast you are edging towards a million subscribers. Well deserved.
Help your cat to drive.
Great topic from Grande. Very interesting.
Could you do an analysis of mark redwine? Very horrific case
Man… Hope he enjoys that prison in Peru. I doubt he’s getting a lot of respect from the inmates there.
Carolyn Pimentel
I went to Aruba once. It was a hot, dry, windy rock surrounded by rough surf. My husband went scuba diving while I went to the topless beach ( I was young ok). It’s still a foreign country and visitors should use caution! One wonders where you can hide a body on an island!
Very hard to understand the absolute evil of JVS arrogance. I would love to hear your analysis of the murderers of Cassie Jo Stoddart so weird and horrifying Doc G!
Hosermandeus L
* wonders if there’s a cigarette fund in Aruba for his beat-down *
Dr. Grande could you cover the case of Bakari Henderson case of the young American beaten to death by a mob in Greece 🇬🇷..possibly ?🤔😥
Linda jackson
Btw, Natalee and her family had lived in Memphis, Tn.– where I live– for a while before moving to Alabama.
Hello Dr Grande, very good analysis, I think of this girl often as well because my daughter will be graduating HS this upcoming year. There is a lot of alcoholism that runs genetically in her family so she is a big advocate against it. Now does that mean she will never take a drink ? (Hopefully!) but in Natalie’s case something went down!way down and with the language barrier and different more lenient laws that they have there was something miscommunicated. I’m sure her mom educated her on the dangers of substance use and I doubt this was their first drink but and however Dr Grande….. Where were her friends? As the other girl stated (Kay) Where were her friends? His friends were there! The friend that had a lengthy interview on dateline who said (Aruba found us!) where was she. Even if let’s say they wanted to have a sexual encounter. This is so horrific. I personally think he wanted money and something sexual and it went bad because he is such an Ogre! She was the most beautiful girl in her class that’s for sure and I can only hope the kids have or use a buddy system even if they are drunk. My heart is absolutely unequivocally broken for her mother! She tried hard to find out what this monster did. He was there stalking the kids that come every year for graduation. I can only send out prayers and heartfelt condolences to the mom and family. Very simple this guy was a monster! And he should have been watched because I highly doubt this was his first!
Lena Ignjatović
Dr. Grande, would you consider doing an analysis about Sid Vicious and the death of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen?
Amber Jones
Dr. Grande🤗 great analysis
Victor Hugo Raga
I can’t help but thinking about the Patrice O’Neal comedy special “elephant in the room” each time I hear about this case.
Care M
I’ve watch this case from the beginning and I’ve always said he mentioned she wanted to see the sharks because he fed her to the sharks and after you said that lobster cage and machete were stolen I bet you he use that to lure the sharks with one of her body parts and then Fed her to the sharks that’s the only reason her body is never been found he is a monster the most evil of all
Mrs. Reluctant
Today our doctor introduced me to an island which I have never heard of before. Aruba. I knew the island Curacao, but that’s it. Doctor’s vids always broaden my mind. 🙂 💚
Tara Gibson
Love you Dr. Todd Grande ❤♥
Can you also analyze Patrice O’Neal’s analysis of the Natalee Holloway case? 🙂
Tom Rock
Would you please analyze the work of Dr. Robert Melillo and Brain Balance Centers? Is he a quack? Is his business legitimate? Thank you.
Mercedes Ghretlli
Clearly and Concisely Covered. Thank You. Lessons for Safe Travels for Young People Can be Derived from this Tragedy. Imo. Justice for Natalie.⚖️🤲
Tomika Kelly
Why is an 18 year old drinking? Why did a high school facilitate an international trip for 100 irresponsible teenagers? Why were there only 7 chaperones for 100 teenagers?
Joe Bondo
Great analysis Doctor G👍
J Guenther
124 high school students, unlimited access to alcohol, and 7 chaperones. What could possibly go wrong?
Billy Phillips
Objective and precise!
Mrs Minna T K
A voice of reason and sense, dr Grande.
A high school took their students to a massive beach party resort with all-you-can-drink booze and just let the students run wild… and we’re supposed to be surprised that one got taken advantage of? Perhaps it’s the adults who should’ve been making better decisions in this case. My high school simply took us to Catalina Island and let us go snorkeling… and believe it or not, we all made it back.
Never knew about the murder of the other girl later on. WOW!
Also please look into the Amy Bradley story. She was abducted in 98 on a cruise ship and there were several credible sightings of her over the next 7 years. It was believed she was sold into sex slavery. It’s beyond heartbreaking. I hope she gets found but it’s been 16 years since the last sighting
יעקב מארלי
There was a lot more to this case. I think it could have easily been twice as long and more detailed. 🙁 I miss the longer videos in the 20’s.
“interviewing suspects is really interrogating suspects.” Is the the law different in Aruba than in the USA? Why would they talk to the police at all, why would they agree to be interrogated. Never agree to be “interviewed” by police without a lawyer present.
Leslie CAS
The students were obnoxious and this created resentment among the staff at the hotel and the police who generally try to accommodate tourists. When Natalie disappeared, their most fervent wish was for all the Americans to disappear. It’s easy to get rid of a body on an island.
jonathan colon
Hey doc. Can you analize the case of some of the nazi concentration camp female guards, that were acussed and prosecuted for the war crimes on those camps?
alyssa joy black
Where were the chaperones when the kids were acting so out of control? I know it’s normal for highschool graduates to have parties even with underage drinking (although in Oz the legal drinking age is 18 so it wouldn’t have been underage) but this sounds excessive. It was almost inevitable something would go wrong. It seems like the police had a lot of suspicion about van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers. van der Sloot’s extortion of Holloway’s mother was cruel to the extreme. His subsequent murder makes him seem even more suspicious in Holloway’s disappearance. I absolutely agree the authorities in Aruba completely botched this case. I also fully agree van der Sloot is the best suspect, whether he murdered her or just got rid of her body if she died of alcohol poisoning- although as you say, why would van der Sloot not just call for help if she did die in this manner. I tend to believe he murdered her. You are so right that everyone was so concerned with their own agendas in this case that it made it nearly impossible for the case to be solved, and this young woman’s death to be explained, and justice meted out appropriately. It’s truly tragic- she was just at the start of a promising life. A brilliant analysis as always genius Dr G ❤️xx
Please do a video on Nature boy, he is the gourou of a cult called Carbon nation
I love you Dr. Grande! 💚💗🧡
Alicia Howell
I live in the same community that Natalie lived in Mountain Brook and gave a couple connections to her family. My MIL taught Natalie in elementary school and I drive past the house the Twittty’s and Natalie lived in. My aunt was the travel agent who initially made the travel plans but withdrew when she discovered how few chaperones were involved. Our cousins were in school with Natalie but we a year older and younger than Natalie. Natalie was an outstanding student who was very sweet and admired by fellow students. She had no history of drug use and had limited experience with alcohol. My aunt had gone to Aruba the previous year with the grads as a chaperone and reported that the drinking age is only 18 but chaperones did nightly curfew checks and reigned in the partying. This trip only had a couple chaperones and one was a college age sibling of one of the years. Our community was distraught over her disappearance and the ensuing ga my es Joran attempted to play with Natalie’s parents. Several of Natalie friends feel that the only way Natalie would have used drugs is if she was unknowingly drugged. She had developed a crush on Joran and underestimated how the alcohol would affect her especially if combined with a date rape drug. Her death has become a cautionary tale that showed violent crime can happen to anyone even the children of sheltered, affluent country club set. It opened the eyes of our community and reminded us that sometimes evil comes in the most “normal” looking packages. It’s still a terribly sad thing to think about and I always think about Natalie each day when I drive past the house she grew up in. She had so much potential and such a kind heart. Her death remains a tragedy here.
Vane Flowverse
If “Quit while you’re ahead” was a person…
christine robinson
Maybe teens shouldn’t be let loose in Aruba with little adult supervision and free flowing drugs and alcohol.
Pien Pakvis
So glad that you revisited this case.very sad story..
Amin keykha
Even when the second case was confirmed to be a case of van der sloot involvement in violence and murder he did not confess about holloway disappearance , This time you did not remind us of ocean acronym ! 😎😊😊
Theresa Thompson
It’s a terrible thing that happened. Personally I dont think teens should be going on these trips without their parents. Too much freedom and they are not able to handle it. I’m not blaming the parents at all, just a thought.
Gary Weaver
He told multiple stories which usually means he’s guilty.
Jessica Leser
Seven chaperones for 124 students…yea that was a good idea 🙄
Amy Margolin
The family is still heartbroken. My parents live down the street from Holloway’s maternal uncle .
William Warren
This is completely random but can you do an analysis of Malcolm X and what his psychology was?
Calvena Ainsworth
Yep…he killed her…and Joran is pronounced “Yor-un”
Michelle Filak
I keep going back to Joran selling her into slavery. I remember people saying there was a boat that came to shore that night or early morning! Hopefully, for the parents sake, there is a definitive conclusion….
Daniel Escobar
This is what bad police work with no accountability gets you. We’re on that fence now.
Today’s Dutch lesson: you pronounce his name ‘Yoran van de Slote’.
John Ramsey dated Natalee Holloway’s mother shortly after Jon Benet’s mom died….is that not super creepy or what?….😳
gremlin coco
This guy is great at what he does!
Luzon Visayas Mindanao
Natalee was with friends only when her drinks was spiked that she went alone with the men who would eventually murder her.
I remember FAUX NEWS and Holloways’ parents calling for sanctions against Aruba ( a country that averages one homicide per year) which was a complete and spiteful joke coming from Americans, whose country averages a quadzillion homicides per year.
lisa Rico
This is such a tragic story and it must be so painful for her parents to think about this on a daily basis. When my granddaughter turned 17 I had her watch the movie so she could see how evil some people can be. My heart breaks for her family and pray that they can find some peace.
Jannuzi(Jannuzi) Charles(Charles)
They might well have drugged her drink that night, too. Those three had a reputation for that.
Barbara Badham
Overall, I thought your analysis was good. But the ending left me hanging. Based on the facts presented, I expected you to name van Der Sloot as the putative killer. Barring that, it would have been nice to hear more about why Natalee’s case went cold and what Joran’s situation is now. (P.S. Congratulations on your new book–I just bought a copy.)
Purple Moon
Very good insights! 🤗
Alfred Indy
When is Joran Vander Sloot going to the Florida University to honor his tennis Scholarship? I am sure that Herman Munster would be a huge crowd pleaser.
I’m not diagnosing the Aruba police, only speculating about complete incompetence.
christy callaway
I shouldn’t care because the guy is evil, but I’ve always heard Joran pronounced like “your-han”. Anyone familiar with Dutch?
It sound to me like a lot of countries don’t care about murders 😲
Elana Hammer
@ Dr. Grande and community… As with many cases some high profile and not, people often want justice right now. The problem with this type of mentality is that most people have agendas. Even law enforcement regardless of the locale international or not can get focused into tunnel vision. Tunnel vision does occur but it is not always followed in cases. For example when this occurs the real killer could evade justice. That is why in the United States we have chain of custody and other evidentiary findings and process. I do hope the victim’s family get justice for Natalie. I am not sure 🤔 but at this point this maybe a cold case? Interesting regardless because this crime was committed out of the country. That in itself produces complexities and consequences on its own. Thank you for the case analysis.🤔❤️🌎✊🇺🇸❤️‍🩹😳😎
Joan Lynch
I never heard about the machete and the lobster cage! He would not hide her body if he had not killed her.
Surely Amy Lynn Bradley is next for Case Analysis
I thought “Aruba” was what Mexicans yell when they’ve had too much Corona.
The Funeral Directors Daughter
This brings back memories of several “girly holidays” I went on with my friends. I shudder at my reckless behaviour now! Never did drugs but I’m a type 1 diabetic. I drank a lot and didn’t always stay in contact with my group of friends. I could’ve easily had a hyperglycaemic fit (high blood sugar) and fell in to a diabetic coma then died. Someone could’ve easily have kidnapped/murdered me. Dreading my niece and nephew getting to that age and going on holiday or just going out for an evening 😳🤦🏻‍♀️
SoulFor Sale
Van der Sloot is my favorite real life villian
Don’t drink and drive! Don’t drink and party! Russian roulette! Those are MY thoughts. 👍
The post office prince
How could they keep arresting people without enough evidence to convict?? Where was the probable cause??
brick sloth
I’m here for my daily plant check. Yup, still plants. 🌵🌵🌵🌵
Mary North
Joran got married in prison, and now has a daughter
Margaret Matuza
All it takes is 1 lapse in judgement…….. Just 1…
alyssa joy black
I’m so sorry if I’ve said the wrong thing in any of my comments today Dr G… I’m always aiming to say thing that make you smile, think I’m reasonably clever and never annoy you… to get those precious ❤️s so I know what I’ve said is ok ❤️xx
Bob and Carole Hardy
In the old days we called that bad blood evil 😈
Taking a group of High School students to Aruba….what could possibly go wrong? It’s a shame that the chaperones didn’t step up to the plate and enforce rules; sounds like the Holiday Inn had the right idea, but didn’t follow through and kick them out immediately. Seriously, when the Holiday Inn abroad tells you not to come back we don’t need your money….kids should have been sent home for breaking predetermined rules, yet it’s unclear if any existed. Just a sad story all around.
Sugar Spring
Imo, it’s always a big red flag when someone has a few stories about an incident like this one
Of course his father helped him hide the body. The stress and guilt of that I’m sure brought on a heart attack. Greta Van Susteren went to their home shortly after and said Paul was sweating profusely unlike anything she had ever seen.
Laurie Dettolspray
Hi Dr .Todd! Not sure if you are aware was has happened in the Netherlands, a well-respected and loved journalist, who covered the Natalie Halloway case who fought for her, recently was gunned down (mob-hit) yesterday passed away Mr. Peter r De fries, so very sad! A lot of sadness in the Netherlands today😢 I will try to find a link. Thank u for your content!
The detailed ocean current charts around Lima Peru that Joran was arrested with after he fled are highly suggestive of his earlier M.O. He just didn’t have time to dispose of the body. Is seems likely that he was at some point making plans to emulate his earlier body disposal using ocean currents to carry away the evidence.
Joseph Byrne
It’s worth mentioning that a big part of the story is that the victim is a pretty, young, blonde woman. Her outward appearance motivated a lot of media coverage. Ultimately, commercial media was the one that got what it wanted.
Gene Kelly
Joran got around-he spent a few years in Thailand (where he ran a coffee shop). Several woman went missing when he was there . He was also in Colombia before he went to Peru-same story-two young woman missing and never heard from. I’d say he’s a psychopath .
Joseph M
Why would they keep switching rooms at night? If anybody knows, please fill us in. Is this code for something? Great video once again.
Johan was involved 100%. But shame on Natalie and her school for treating this country like their personal playground.
Toxic Femininity 2022
Holy Cow! I never knew Gary Vaynerchuk killed Natalie Wood 🪵
Maureen Barnes
When you leave US you take your safety into your own hands
Chair Yoga For The Ageless
I just watched a video on lobster traps. I will bet that Jorden cut her up and put the body parts in the trap, then weighted it down with rocks in the trap and had someone ( the DJ) take her out and dump the trap, never to be found. The only thing missing was a lobster trap and a machette.
No Contact Sandy Williams
Ooo look Dr G is approaching 800k!!!!
Lol are you mispronouncing all the names on purpose?
Mister X
Ok doctor, what do you call that color? Always upstaging us mere mortals.
Chill Phil
I can’t help but think about the joke by late great Patrice O’Neil
Namik Kemal
just to be clear 28 years in Peru is equal to 280 years in hell
Carolyn Rockoff
If I recall correctly Joran van der Sloot’s father was an attorney who influenced the authorities to protect his son & may have helped in covering up the crime.
Karlie Krinock
Sorry, I’m only 2 minutes in… where were the chaperones?
Duane Hanselman
Seven chaperones traveled with the students but apparently, given the student’s behavior, they did not do any chaperoning. So, what did they do?
Vato Reflex
Peter R. de Vries approves this video.
Eloquent conclusion
Bilge Pump
Well Joran Van Sloot probably harmed Hollaway. We have a break in the case boys.
What role did the chaperones play in her excessive drinking and disappearance? Were they ever held accountable?
Marilyn Dresser
Dear Dr Grande, perhaps out of a sense of needing justice for the tragic death of a lovely girl(s) the fact that Joran was tried and finally imprisoned should be given more weight and in one sense that Natalie received justice.
Cynthia Schell
I wish young people would be more careful when being around strangers, and especially not drink or do drugs when not with friends (or not at all would be most wise)
Patents and teachers used to keep a much stricter eye on young people. Eighteen year olds do not have the maturity to make good decisions (thus they shouldn’t be voting either).
This was America’s biggest kidnap/murder case when I was a kid
Tanja Meijer
Even if you in a strange way get a suit over this video. The dutch name is so far from the correct pronunciation of the name ..that it impossible to win that😅😅😅
A video on the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche would be absolutely fascinating.
Gabrielle R.
We talk about this case EVERY time my family goes there… definitely a tale against how not to travel. Very sad story. Horrible and irresponsible chaperones! And crappy friends!
Reality Check
I’d watched a special on this situation. The currents were tested tag least 20 times by dropping a substitute body in the ocean to see where it would go. 100% of the time, the “body” washed up on shore. So, it wasn’t washed out to sea.
CC Chodkowski
Everyone needs to step back and be honest. All of her other classmates made it back home alive.what did the do different. Natalie apparently was the only girl at 2:00 am got into a car with 3 men she knew nothing about. Who’s at fault here.
Mama Pink
Could you please analyze Colin Ferguson The Long Island Railroad Killer
rupsha ghosh
doc what do you think about Tess holiday calling herself anorexic
Claudette OBrien
I can’t understand why she didnt share a room with one of her friends.she would of been found to be missing much sooner.


Licentious Bastard
This case is a real mishmash and I think exclusive of Vandersloop coming out and telling the truth which he may be incapable of doing it would be difficult to ever untangle what really happened. My guess is it’s some combination of skullduggery alcohol abuse and incompetent follow up by the police.
Elle Chantel
Please DR. Grande, analyse the case of “Lovely Peaches”. There are plenty of “discussion/reaction” video s to her behaviour but no one has done a real analysis. She’s a a teen mum who has been abused and alleged abused her daughter. She posted Tiktok videos of very disturbing videos that has made her semi famous but I think she has some time of personality disorder and is not as intellectually challenged as she presents. Thank you in advance, ❤️ from 🇬🇧.
Der Stoff aus dem Joghurt gemacht ist
Could you analyse the case of Joanne Dennehy?


Helen Varner
After Natalie’s disappearance, I’m surprised there are any tourist.
Mir Media
What I don’t understand is why young people don’t look out for each other. If you’re at a trip, even if not everyone is your friend why don’t people feel obliged to make sure the people they know get home safe.


Collette B
Infamous LA
Who gets into a car with 3 guys she just met that night? Late at night? What were her friends thinking?
Jason LaScola
Hi Dr Grande. Very good video of Natalie Holloway case. As a side note, wondering if you could do a video on Jaco Pastorius? He was one of the most famous Bass players ever and had a tragic death at age 35 and suffered mental illness including substance abuse disorder and bi-polar disorder.


E Chase
We had a similar case like this in Canada. The victims name was Rebecca Middleton. She was murdered by several young men on a Caribbean island during vacation.
david randall
I think Holloway was sold into sex slavery to a Saudi or ME emirate, or some other wealthy person. That is why no remains were ever found
To be honest I’ve never heard of most of these cases before I watch them here. Love listening to the Doc speculate about what could be happening, but the masterfully succinct summaries before the speculation are also super entertaining. Thanks for the great videos!
Tessa Jones
Good Morning from Australia 🇦🇺☕



Joren is it Dutch name. In Dutch the letter ‘j” is pronounced “Yee-uh”. Said really fast. So it would be pronounced Yee-uh oo ren. I know because my husband of 20 years was Dutch, was born in Holland and spoke Durch fluently. 🌷
Dana Decker
“Saw 3 people burying a woman with blonde hair”…. that’s very disturbing and specific. I hope that witness went immediately to the authorities with that info. That’s awful. It’s hard to believe someone would make that up but I guess worse things have happened.


You’ll never get to the truth when each and every individual involved is a toilet person and you can’t flush the crapper.
All plaudits to the numbskull who thought that Aruba, an island famous for its non-stop partying and debauchery, would be an ideal place to send a 120-strong group of 18 y/o naive young women.


Can you analyze the case of the Shanda sharer case?
NYC Demon Diva
Me getting the good seats because I’m early 🥺😍

In small places like Aruba that depend on tourism and no real economics– there is a close relationship and symbiotic dependence between elected leader, city officials, police and local rich and influencing people. Cant expect professional justice in such places.
DRoss Tha Boss
Do a video on the D.C. Snipers
Isn’t Van der Sloot’s first name pronounced Yoran?


Dave McKay
She didn’t have to drive to the beach to see 🦈.
One questions: Are you diagnosing the people in this story?
Existential Crisis
Please do a video about Jesus. 😆
The Aruba police has an interesting catch and release program. That, coupled with the ever-changing yet somehow believed Van der Sloot storytimes assured the case would never be solved. If that guy killed one young woman, he certainly could have killed two–or more.
Markus WX
Completely missing is an analysis of pathological liars and how they come to be so. Joran Vandersloot’s (Dr. Grande, the J is sounded as Y and the doubled o is pronounced like the long o in English) own father was unable to account for his son’s dereliction. He was a good student, smart, good-looking and athletic and had every opportunity to do well in life. Why he did not would be an interesting subject for analysis of a similar situation.


Rob P
I taught windsurfing on Aruba (The happy Island) a few years before this incident…..Aruba had a fun and safe feeling. Predator-Joran could have (easily) lured Natalie away from the night club and I believe he killed her when she denied his advances. The water in front of fisherman’s huts is very shallow for a long way out, so I doubt he put her in the water there. The opposite site of the island is desolate and it would have been easy to find a place dispose of her.
Barbara Brooks
What worthless chaperones! Part of their role is telling people when to stop drinking and to keep them from taking off alone with strangers. Aruba is a poor choice for a senior trip!
wondering if Natalie was given any drugs by the Kalpos & Joran, other than the alcohol she drank? the security guard(s) seemed to have less opportunities than the Kalpos/Joran to be involved in Natalie’s disappearance ?
Alejandra Meneses
This was and still is such a big case here in Peru. He’s still in jail but now married and with a son.
Nah, he did it. He just thought he was special enough that he would get away with it. And for the most part, he did. It’s very sad. But things like this are things everyone should consider when they travel. Wolves are out there in sheep’s clothing.
Dr Grande, I wish you wouldn’t spend so much time talking about Natalie’s drinking and behaviour on her grad trip- when by all accounts she was a good student, worked hard and had a full scholarship to university. She was a teenager who was finally able to blow off some steam, but you painted her in almost as bad a light as the man who most likely murdered her.
Bottom line, kids were too young. They should not have been given an opportunity to go on a trip like this. Poor judgment on the adult’s part, poor judgment on the teenager’s part. Just don’t do it.
Whether you’re female or male don’t binge drink. Alcohol becomes one of the most dangerous drugs when consumed this way. Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it safe
I’ve been to Aruba. It’s such a small island that you get a false sense of security there. I believe (along with many locals) that Natalie is in the ocean or in a cave on the other side of the island and will never be found.


I hope to research this Dr. Grande watched all norm macdonalds joran van der sloot bits.


Factual Breakdown
We stayed at the Marriott Surf Club right after it was built. While there, my Mom, who was quite the character, struck up conversations with the locals at the Stellaris casino, mostly the gentlemen. She said that as an American, she wanted to know what happened to Natalee Holloway. This is what she was told, and much of it later confirmed by others: Joran van der Sloot strangled Natalee Holloway on the beach near the Marriott. He called his father, who called a “party boat” operator by the name of “Croes,” a common Aruban surname, who took tours out from the De Palm pier not too far from the high rise resorts. Croes took Natalee’s body out to the part of the sea where the current is quite strong and put her body it the water, to ultimately end up on the shores of Venezuela, with so much other debris it may have never been discovered, let alone reported if it was. The Kalpoe brothers told their mother what happened. She wanted her sons to be forthcoming with the police, but since they were Surinamese and not Dutch, if they did that, they, not the Dutch van der Sloot, would have been treated like murderers, and van der Sloot like an accessory. That’s the way that Government works. When America started calling for a boycott of Aruba, the Aruban people became angry since the Island is reliant upon US tourism. A group of men got together, possibly some women too, since there are some tough cookies on that Island and they ran this guy Croes off to another island or possibly Florida. We were told that after Paulus van der Sloot died, this Croes didn’t return to Aruba to tell the truth, since Paulus was involved, and Croes was afraid that the Dutch in Government were going to go after him. There is a social caste system alive and well in Aruba, favoring the Netherlands and Holland Dutch over the native Arubans, of various black and Latino heritage, and especially over ethnic immigrants from places like Haiti and the D.R. We did find other “Croes” though, and when we asked them about it, they were very upfront, and said that they believed that is what happened as well. I learned just the other week that van der Sloot confessed under the influence that Natalee died on the beach and that a friend helped dispose of the body. I don’t believe that Paulus would have taken the chance to have Natalee buried on the Island. Not when the sea was right there. He was not willing to chance her being found and his son going to jail.

Meer tonen



The oo in his surname is pronounced as oa in boat, not the way Dr Grande is pronouncing it here in this video.